Marjorie Taylor Greene screams that Fauci should be jailed for his ‘repulsive evil science’ in wild Covid hearing

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) engaged in a shouting match with Anthony Fauci. (Photo by Allison Bailey / Middle East Images / Middle East Images via AFP) (Photo by ALLISON BAILEY/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images) (Middle East Images/AFP via Getty)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) engaged in a shouting match with Anthony Fauci. (Photo by Allison Bailey / Middle East Images / Middle East Images via AFP) (Photo by ALLISON BAILEY/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images) (Middle East Images/AFP via Getty)

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene verbally berated Anthony Fauci, saying he deserved to be prosecuted and repeatedly refusing to acknowledge him as a doctor.

Greene screamed and raged at Fauci at a hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Republicans have sought to prove that Fauci tried to suppress information about the origins of Covid-19 and claim he funded research that triggered pandemic that killed millions of people.

The George right-wing firebrand criticized Fauci’s previous comments saying that when people who criticized him were criticizing science and asked if he represented science.

“It’s not a yes or no,” she said.

“We’ll take that a ‘you-don’t-know-what-you-represent,’” she said. Greene proceeded to hold up images of beagles who were experimented on for the National Institutes of Health.

“As a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil, what you signed off on, and these experiments that happened to beagles paid for by the American taxpayer,” she said.