Marcus Rashford is the best player the world, says Manchester United teammate

Marcus Rashford is enjoying the best form of his career  (AP)
Marcus Rashford is enjoying the best form of his career (AP)

Marcus Rashford is “probably the best player in the world” on current form, according to his Manchester United teammate Phil Jones.

Rashford is enjoying a purple patch in front of goal for United with 16 goals in 18 appearances since returning from the World Cup like a different player.

His goals have helped propel the team into the Carabao Cup final and Europa League knockout stages, while United are also on the fringes of the title race behind Arsenal and Manchester City.

Speaking ahead of the Carabao Cup final at Wembley, Jones told Sky Sports there’s no one better than Rashford right now.

“He came back from the World Cup probably not starting as many games as he would have liked [for England],” Jones said. “He’s knuckled down, got on with it, he’s become sharper, stronger, and you see that in his performances this season.

“Defenders find it really hard to cope with him, he can take it one way or the other, goals from outside the box, he’s scored a few headers recently as well, so his all-round game has hit heights he probably didn’t think he was going to get to. He’s been brilliant, and on current form he’s probably the best player in the world.”

Asked whether Rashford has developed himself physically, Jones added: “His body shape, his strength in the gym, he’s worked really hard on himself. The club have worked really well with him. I’m delighted for him, he deserves it, and hopefully he can make an impact today.”