Marc Maron Goes Off on His Foot Injury on ‘WTF’ Podcast: ‘My Biggest Fear Is Getting Your Foot Cut Open’

Marc Maron began Monday’s episode of his “WTF” podcast with a lengthy personal update (as usual), explaining that he broke his foot over the weekend.

The well-known comedian and podcaster detailed how he wasn’t even going to work out — but then when he did, he hurt his foot. His trainer encouraged him to push through the pain, only for Maron to later find out his foot is fully broken.

“A broken foot and I can’t get sedentary. I can’t get strung out on OxyContin,” he added in a humorous comment — which could be a legitimate concern, given his background as a recovering addict. He has previously said that he got sober in 1999.

“I’m not in that much pain,” he continued. “I didn’t get any painkillers, relax. Did a little ibuprofen.”


While noting that it “doesn’t really hurt” when he’s not walking on it and that he can’t feel it when wearing a boot, he still had concerns.

“God, I just hope I don’t have to get surgery. Find out today,” Maron added. “More will be revealed, as they say in the recovery racket.”

Maron also wants to avoid surgery because he already has an unknown condition with two of his toes.

“The doc at the urgent care was like ‘You know, this kind of break could go either way, you might have to dig in there. Might have to cut the foot open.’ My biggest fear is getting your foot cut open,” Maron said. “I got two big toes that are f–ked. I don’t even know why. I don’t know if it’s arthritis or bone spurs or a bunion, but they’ve got knobs on the sides of them, and they hurt sometimes, but I’m not, I just won’t deal with that, live with it, because I don’t want my foot to be cut open, because you never know if that’s going to come out right.”

The comedian and podcaster also expressed worry about not being able to work out five to six times a week.


“If my brain atrophies into some sort of like, I’ll just get, my brain will get itchy in my head. My being will get itchy and in body, you know, oh my god. I just gotta suck it up. Look, I’m an athlete, right?” he said. “I’m an athlete, and sometimes there are injuries. You get through it. You heal, and then you come back and you get back into shape. Got to stay in that mindset. So I don’t lose my mind.”

Maron shared this in his standard extended opening before guest Jon Cryer came on the pod. Listen to the full episode here.

The post Marc Maron Goes Off on His Foot Injury on ‘WTF’ Podcast: ‘My Biggest Fear Is Getting Your Foot Cut Open’ appeared first on TheWrap.