Making a comeback? Edison Chen addresses 2008 sex scandal and wants to return to showbiz

Former bad boy addresses past, hunts for acting opportunities amid Hollywood auditions and Taiwan’s film industry

Hong Kong celebrity Edison Chen wants to return to showbiz, looking for acting opportunities in Hollywood. (PHOTO: Getty Images)
Hong Kong celebrity Edison Chen wants to return to showbiz, looking for acting opportunities in Hollywood. (PHOTO: Getty Images)

Could Hong Kong’s former bad boy Edison Chen be making a comeback?

Well, he’s definitely on the lookout for acting opportunities, he told media outlets at the 20th anniversary event of his fashion label CLOT that was held in Taiwan.

Chen’s showbiz career was severely marred in 2008 when he was involved in a sex photo scandal which saw hundreds of explicit photos depicting sexual acts between Chen and Hong Kong actresses and singers leaked on the internet.

He then made an apology to the parties involved at a press conference and announced that he would “step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely”.

Navigating scandal, Hollywood dreams, and a call for opportunities in Taiwan

According to Hong Kong media, Chen, 43, briefly addressed the scandal at the event and said, “Perhaps everyone thought it was the end for me in 2008. But I didn't give up and didn't lose my way. People look at my Instagram page and think I'm having a vacation every day, but I am actually working.”

He added that he loves making movies and has gone for auditions in Hollywood - he resides in California with his wife and daughter Alaia - but has yet to get any roles.

He shared, “I don't know why I have not got a role. The Hollywood strike is over! Hopefully, there will be opportunities next year.

“I went for an audition last week. My agent in the US asked me what genres I can’t film. I said romance because I love my family very much and it's hard for me to break away from this relationship. If I have to do a romance movie, I will be very confused when I get into the role.”

Of course, Chen is also looking closer to ‘home’ as he openly called for movie opportunities in Taiwan.

“If any directors in Taiwan wants to find me for a movie, I’m available anytime,” he hollered.

Will Chen be coming back stronger than a 90s trend? Only time will tell.

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