Mahfuz: Sanusi hasn’t delivered on promises, Kedah voters want change

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, July 12 — Support for Perikatan Nasional (PN) in Kedah is only for the short term and first-time voters are not staunch followers of the party, Kedah’s Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Datuk Mahfuz Omar said.

Mahfuz doubled down on his prediction that PH can win 16 seats in the Kedah state polls because he felt the public were aware of PN’s “lies” and the wave of support it had received during the 15th general election (GE15) last year was fleeting.

He said that caretaker Kedah menteri besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor’s comments that PH can only win three seats out of the 39 up for grabs was baseless.

“My predictions are based on facts, and I don’t use bombastic words like Sanusi. I never said PH can win 27 seats so he can keep dreaming,” Mahfuz was quoted as saying in Sinar Harian.

“Young voters who voted for the first time in GE15 aren’t die-hard voters and they may not necessarily be loyal to one party. It (loyalty) can change and when they listen to what PAS and Bersatu have been preaching, they will realise it’s all a lie and that there is no end in sight for the problems Kedahans are facing now.”

Mahfuz said PH was looking to add three more seats for a total of 19 to form the next state government. Constituencies like Kota Darul Aman and Bakar Arang, he said, were sure-wins based on previous election results.

“The way to win votes is for us to engage more with the public. I have also noticed that the people are well aware of Sanusi’s poor governance of the state and desperately want change in the state.

“They want leaders who are goal oriented, not big mouths,” he added.

Last week, Sanusi downplayed PH optimism in wresting the state in the coming election.

He said it would be tough for PH to win over voters in Kedah as their support for the caretaker PN coalition is strong.

Apart from Kedah, state polls will take place in Penang, Selangor, Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan on August 12.