'Look How Smart He Is': Clever Bear Pulls Bird Feeder Down From Tree

A visitor to a yard in upstate New York proved it was “smarter than the average bear” when it pulled on a cable to send a bird feeder falling to the ground and into easy reach.

Footage recorded by Cori Wapnowska shows the black bear’s ingenuity, after it had also climbed up the tree in her boyfriend’s family’s yard and shook some seeds loose.

One family member watching the scene says: “Look how smart he is. He’s figured out, like, ‘This cable, I won’t even have to go up the tree’.”

Wapnowska told Storyful: “The bear usually just walks by the side of the house. We had never seen it climb up the tree before. It left a claw mark on the trunk.”

Bears are known to go for bird feeders in New York state, with the Department of Environmental Conservation recommending that bird feeding activities cease between April 1 and November 30 for people living near wild bears. Credit: Cori Wapnowska via Storyful

Video transcript


- Did he do that?

- Look at him. Yeah. He's pulling the cable--

- Holy [MUTED].


- Look how smart he is. Figured out, like, this cable. I wouldn't even have had to go up the tree.

- Oh, [MUTED]. That's toast.

- I love it. I love it.

- He knocked it off the--

- Figured out how to take him out of the tree.

- Oh, it's toast now.

- There was nothing in it before.

- I know, but he's going to break it.

- I mean, it's-- I promise you it was messing with that thing pretty bad on the tree.

- Yeah, I mean, all the seeds are completely out, so--


- Get a picture of this.

- Bet he's going to be pissed, and he's going to destroy the--


- I think you'd be better with the iPhone. Want to try the iPhone?


- Ssh.


- Oh, it looked pretty good.


- [MUTED] windows.


- Look at him hanging in there. I can't get the window open.

- What?