Do Longevity Supplements Actually Work? An Expert Finally Has The Answer

You know how it goes. You commit to a health kick, buy all the gadgets to keep you motivated and, of course, invest in a lot of supplements.

This is especially true when it comes to supplements aimed at longevity — who doesn’t want to live longer? Especially if it can be done by just taking a little tablet every day? Easy!

But, the question that we’re too scared to ask ourselves is, do supplements actually work? Do longevity supplements actually give us a chance at a longer life?

Thankfully, an expert at ZOE has the answer.

Do longevity supplements actually work?

On the latest ZOE podcast, their head nutritionist Federica Amati said, when it comes to wellness, we need to first look at our habits. If you drink, she suggests bringing it down to a glass of red 3 nights a week and added that it shouldn’t be a daily habit.

She also said: “I’ll say this because it’s obvious, but it needs to be said, but stop smoking. Smoking cigarettes is the quickest way to take lots of years off of your life.

“So if you’re looking for that longevity hack, stop buying supplements, and actually just stop smoking. ”

Of course, this question had the host Jonathan Wolf wondering exactly why we should stop buying supplements.

Wolf said: “You’re saying that most supplements that are out there, you think people should stop taking?”

And Amati responded: “Yeah, it’s quite unregulated. There are exceptions. So folic acid in pregnancy, we mentioned earlier and a really simple multivitamin in older, older life after 70 could actually be helpful.

“But most of these super supplements that are trying to do super things are unregulated. And we have such better data to show that changing your diet can add years to your life, and reducing your alcohol and stopping smoking can add years to your life, that we should really be focusing on the things we have super strong data on.”

That makes... perfect sense, actually.
