Local actors condemn Finas director A. Aida for prioritising handsome, pretty looks over talent (Video)

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, October 25 —A statement by one of the board of directors for the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (Finas) recently is receiving flak from the public.

This is after the Finas board of director, Datuk A. Aida who also owns A Aida Production Sdn Bhd, disclosed that she often prioritises actors with good looks instead of talent to star in her dramas.

In response to the producer’s statement, Malaysian actor Ameerul Affendi has taken to Twitter to voice out his opinions on the matter.

The Prebet Sapu’star questioned the board director’s decision to make that statement as he’s sceptical that the public would line up to see a film or a drama filled with just good-looking actors and actresses.

He also pointed out that the statement is also a blow to those taking acting classes and courses at local universities.

“So, it’s better for IPTA and IPTS (government and private education sectors) around Malaysia to just end all courses relating to acting.

“It’s not right to scam these students who have studied hard and have spent all their hard-earned money just to get educated.

“Because when a board director from Finas gives out this kind of statement, of course the public will follow right?” Ameerul wrote in his tweet.

Actor Azhan Rani had also taken to his Instagram to share a cheeky snippet of his winning speech from the 2019’s Drama Festival Kuala Lumpur (DFKL) along with a screenshot of the MmStar report.

Azhan had won the chosen antagonist category for his role in local drama ‘Nur’ during the 2019 DFKL.

“I would like to take this opportunity to represent those with exceptional talents but didn’t have the ‘complete package’, to keep on fighting and striving.

“Let go of the pain and disappointment and just keep going.

“The theme is staying positive, if we, who’s at the bottom could stay positive, hopefully those in charge can stay positive too,” he said during his speech.

Azhan’s post has garnered over 8,000 likes along with 200 comments from his followers agreeing that talent should be upheld instead of looks.

Aside from that, actress and tv presenter, Yasmin Hani Richardson was also seen in the comment section, thanking Azhan for speaking out.

“I’m saddened to see that statements like these still exist. Even though talent should be the main priority.

“Yes, true, talent can be improved in time but the same is with our looks. But if only the looks are good, but their acting is bad, I wouldn’t watch it either.

“However, I could easily get mesmerised if the acting is great even (the actors or actresses) doesn’t have an attractive look,” Yasmin commented.

Previously, A. Aida has told portal mStar that she was currently on the lookout for new talents with handsome and pretty faces.

According to the producer, talent can be taught and shaped in time, and she would give priority to those with both talent and looks.

Meanwhile, talking to Harian Metro, the producer of the highly rated show on TV3’s Akasia slot, said that she would also prioritise buff and young actors for main roles or heroes in her dramas.

“I’ve been using this formula since way back where the hero needs to be someone with good looks, young and buff.

“Previously in the old days, it’s hard to find these kinds of talents and we had to wait for their free time, especially with the more popular ones.

“Nowadays, I don’t have to waste my time waiting for them because a lot of young actors now have those criteria. Give them a chance, not all new actors are bad at acting. It’s up to us to help improvise their talent,” she said.