Who is Lisa Nandy? Wigan MP could be cabinet member in a Sir Keir Starmer government

Who is Lisa Nandy? Wigan MP could be cabinet member in a Sir Keir Starmer government

When Lisa Nandy became shadow energy and climate change secretary in 2015, she might have hoped she could follow the path trodden by ex-Labour party leader Ed Miliband.

Miliband had been in the role before making the leap to leader of the opposition in 2010 and the hotly tipped Nandy had also looked set for a future at the top.

But now, in 2024, Miliband finds himself back in that post and Nandy is now shadow international development secretary – a position of a similar standing.

Those black and white might suggest a lack of progress but it has actually been a decade well spent for the Labour MP for Wigan.

Nandy is now primed to be in the cabinet if Labour do indeed cash in on poll predictions and return to number 10 for the first time in 14 years.

And while her experience could make her a key player in Sir Keir Starmer’s top team, she should not be counted out for the top job in the future.

Shadow international development secretary Lisa Nandy speaks at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool (Peter Byrne / PA)
Shadow international development secretary Lisa Nandy speaks at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool (Peter Byrne / PA)

Who is Lisa Nandy?

The 44-year-old has been Labour MP for Wigan since 2010, having previously been a caseworker and charity worker.

She has been touted as a younger player on the left of the party and her work as an MP has seen her help keep the city’s football team afloat. She has also set up the Centre for Towns think tank and called for Labour’s HQ to move outside of London.

"I understand that we have one chance to win back the trust of people in Wigan, Workington and Wrexham,” she told the Telegraph in 2020.

"Without what were once our Labour heartlands, we will never win power in Westminster and help to build the country we know we can be."

As the daughter of esteemed British-Indian academic Dipak Nandy, her heritage made her one of the few British-Asian female MPs upon election. She is a mother-of-one and is married to Andy Collis, a public relations consultant.

She has joked that, compared to the Marxist views of her father, she is seen in her family as being comparatively “right wing”.

Her book All In: How We Build a Country That Works was published in 2022 and argued for the empowerment of local communities.

Lisa Nandy (PA Wire)
Lisa Nandy (PA Wire)

What roles has Lisa Nandy served in?

Under Ed Miliband, Nandy had been shadow minister for children and shadow secretary for civil society. Under Jeremy Corbyn, she became shadow secretary for energy.

However, she was not an ardent supporter of Corbyn, withdrawing from her post and later saying it was "undoubtedly true" that he was to blame for the 2019 election defeat.

She then stood to be party leader in 2020 after the resignation of Corbyn and said that Labour needed to do things differently. 

"We need a different sort of leadership that helps to root us back in every community across the UK, turns us back into a real movement and real force, driven from the ground up so that we can win people's trust back,” she said.

Her campaign won the backing of the GMB Union and the Jewish Labour Movement but came third, with a 16 per cent vote share, to Rebecca Long Bailey and winner Starmer.

Lisa Nandy and Sir Keir Starmer (Danny Lawson / PA)
Lisa Nandy and Sir Keir Starmer (Danny Lawson / PA)

What is Lisa Nandy’s current role?

Under Starmer, Nandy was made shadow foreign secretary and later shadow levelling up secretary. But, in a September 2023 reshuffle, she was made shadow international development cabinet minister, which was widely seen as a demotion.

At the time, Unherd suggested that Sir Keir was looking to move his allies closer and potential rivals further away.

An ed op said: “Once the honeymoon of [Starmer’s potential] government is over, he will face the same politicking from the backbenches that others have. A dispossessed Nandy could be a key figure in this.”

Nandy has, however, toed the party line in recent weeks and stuck up for deputy leader Angela Rayner over the saga around her council house ownership.

She is also chairman of Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East – a role that has seen her well-positioned to lobby for UN relief on behalf of those in Gaza and backed David Lammy in calling for a ceasefire.