Lindsey Graham Says There’s ‘No Limit’ to Gaza Deaths That Would Make Him Question Israel


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says there is “no limit” to the number of civilian casualties in Gaza that would make him question Israel’s military tactics. In an appearance on CNN NewsNight Tuesday, Graham was asked by Abby Phillip if “there is a point” at which he’d begin to question what was Israel is doing. “No,” Graham answered. He continued: “If somebody asked us after World War II, ‘Is there a limit what would you do to make sure that Japan and Germany don’t conquer the world? Is there any limit what Israel should do to the people who are trying to slaughter the Jews?’ The answer is no.” “There is no limit,” he added. Graham did say he thought Israel should be “smart” and “limit civilian casualties,” but nevertheless blamed Hamas for the deaths of innocents. “The goal is to destroy Hamas,” he said of Israel’s strikes. “Hamas is creating these casualties, not Israel.”

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