‘Liar!’ ‘Panderer!’ Libertarians Relentlessly Boo and Heckle Trump

Donald Trump faced a tough crowd Saturday night. The former president received loud boos and sneers from the Libertarian National Convention. “Become ungovernable,” a screen behind Trump read during his speech, and ungovernable they were, prompting Trump to mock them in return.

“Maybe you don’t want to win,” Trump told the crowd after they booed when he told them to nominate him or vote for him. “Keep getting your 3 percent every four years,” he added, referring to the Libertarian Party’s less than stellar showings in prior elections.

Trump was the first U.S. president in history to address the party’s convention. Despite his attempts to cater to the crowd by vowing to appoint a Libertarian to his cabinet, the delegates were not buying it and hissed at him.


Undeterred, Trump commented on his promise, “Pretty good. That’s pretty big.”

“Repeal the so-called guidance letter that turned on-campus sexual harassment allegations into defacto criminal convictions,” Trump said. “You know all about that. Who else would do that for you?”

Trump is not used to dealing with a hostile crowd. His rallies are usually filled with his most staunch supporters who unquestioningly cheer him on. But Libertarians prefer small government and oppose Covid-19 precautions, meaning they are not huge fans of Trump, who implemented stay-at-home orders and funded the Covid vaccine.

“Combine with us in a partnership,” Trump told the convention. “We’re asking that of the Libertarians. We must work together. Combine with us. You have to combine with us.”


“No!” the crowd responded.

“You cannot give Crooked Joe Biden four more years,” Trump said, but the crowd answered with raucous boos.

Even during the few moments that members of the audience chanted “We want Trump,” they were met with a louder opposing chant of “End the Fed.” It’s a common refrain in the Libertarian party that wants to shutter the Federal Reserve.

Trump made an attempt at levity by referring to his legal troubles and indictments, joking, “If I wasn’t a Libertarian before, I sure as hell am a Libertarian now.” But that comment did not go over well and was also met with mostly boos.

During his speech, Trump promised to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, founder of the Silk Road, an illegal online drug marketplace. Ulbricht in 2015 was sentenced to life in prison for his role in creating the website. Trump refusing to pardon him during his first term likely instilled skepticism in Libertarians, who oppose drug restrictions, that he would fulfill his promise in a second term.


Although he received a less than friendly reception from Libertarians, you’d never know from Trump’s posts on Truth Social about the night. Trump reposted a video from GOP Rep. Mike Lee where Lee said, “Trump knocked it out of the park tonight at the #LibertarianConvention. Well done, sir!”

Trump posted at midnight after his address, “Everyone here tonight believes that we must fight for the same fundamental freedoms: Freedom of Expression. Freedom of Religion. Freedom to own a Firearm. Freedom from over-Taxation. Freedom from over-Regulation. Freedom from government Discrimination. And we believe that we do not have a FREE COUNTRY if we do not have FREE SPEECH!”

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