Lena Dunham, Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev on the Power – and Importance – of Authentic Storytelling

Making a movie and launching your own wine brand may seem like two vastly different ventures, but according to actresses Lena Dunham, Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev, those things have a similar core goal: authenticity and connection.

First up on this episode of WrapWomen’s “UnWrapped” Podcast, Dunham discusses her new film “Catherine Called Birdy,” and how it spotlights real, raw moments of intimacy. During the conversation, Dunham likened Birdy (Bella Ramsey) and Aelis (Isis Hainsworth) sharing a pastry in the film to Dunham’s “Girls” character Hannah taking a shower while Marnie (Allison Williams) is on the toilet.

“I’ve always really loved interacting, finding moments of really easy intimacy… the way that people share space, and the ease with which they interact with each other,” she explained.

Also Read:
Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev Say Acting and Getting Into the Wine Business Is ‘Not That Far Off’ (Video)

Next, “UnWrapped” hosts Emily Vogel and Andi Ortiz are joined by Hough and Dobrev for a special interview during WrapWomen’s Power Women Summit. The co-owners of Fresh Vine Wine, an exclusive collection of premium wines crafted for the active lifestyle consumer, talked about the similarities between acting and launching a business.

“I look at a [wine] label and if it doesn’t grab my eye, and then I’m like, ‘that doesn’t feel doesn’t feel good to me.’ So yeah, marketing is really important, and storytelling,” Hough explained. “It’s about our story, how this was created, and our belief in it.”

Dobrev added, “What’s been so interesting and fun is to keep that variety as an artist, no matter what kind of art you decide to pursue. Keeping things fresh and learning. Like, this has been a huge learning curve for both of us.

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Additional episode highlights…

  • Lena Dunham says she once faked having a fever on a bad date so she could leave

  • Nina Dobrev jokes that she and Hough consumed their “bodyweight x1000” in wine when creating the business

  • Lena Dunham says in her 20s her feminism was more “stringent,” but now “it feels less like a set of political beliefs and more like a set of almost spiritual beliefs.”

  • Julianne Hough says she loves seeing and re-creating the videos of their consumers drinking the wine.

About “UnWrapped”

“UnWrapped” is a monthly podcast produced by WrapWomen, dedicated to empowering the next generation of women in media and entertainment. Each episode “unwraps” topics from entertainment news and industry trends to career advice, Hollywood headlines and more.

Special guests include industry leaders, actors, producers and studio execs. The aim of the series is to connect those looking for knowledge and access to those with the knowledge and access, providing the WrapWomen community tools to succeed in their personal and professional lives.

New episodes of “UnWrapped” drop the last Friday of every month. You can listen on TheWrap.comWrapWomen.comSpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts.