Left 4 Dead veterans are working on a new game that sounds like another Back 4 Blood

 Back 4 Blood
Back 4 Blood

Left 4 Dead veterans at Turtle Rock are working on a brand new game, and it sure sounds suspiciously like another Back 4 Blood game.

A job listing for a Senior Combat Designer was recently posted on Glassdoor for Turtle Rock, revealing a new game is in development at the studio. The studio is after someone with a love for "specifically FPS, Co-op, and Multiplayer games," and experience with "developing first person shooting and melee gameplay."

There's precious few details about the new Turtle Rock game itself, but those aforementioned details all sound very much like Back 4 Blood. The 2021 game was a revival of the Left 4 Dead genre by veterans that helped develop the original game all those years ago at Valve, founding Turtle Rock to take another shot at the zombie-shooter genre.

So what's next for Turtle Rock? Back 5 Blood? Back 4 More Blood? Or, to be fair, it could just be Back 4 Blood 2, if we're going by the Left 4 Dead naming conventions. A new FPS with co-op, multiplayer, and melee elements is admittedly quite broad for a AAA game, but considering Turtle Rock's expertise, it could very easily be a new Back 4 Blood game.

Turtle Rock just wrapped up development on three DLC expansions for Back 4 Blood last year in December, and earlier this year announced they'd be forgoing more DLC in favor of working on a brand new game. The developer stated it was "actually pretty small for a studio making AAA games," and simply didn't have enough staff to keep working on new DLC for the 2021 shooter.

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