Kimmel Disses Dominion for Settling With Fox News: ‘They Took the Money Instead’ (Video)

Like a lot of people on Tuesday, Jimmy Kimmel was very disappointed that the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News ended in a settlement. But Kimmel didn’t just call out Fox News which, all things considered got a pretty good deal. He also dinged Dominion for abandoning the high-minded justifications it insisted were behind the lawsuit.

“They took the money instead,” Kimmel declared, adding later that “[Fox] can go right back to sodomizing the country, while Dominion and their lawyers go shopping for yachts, I guess.”

For those catching up, Dominion sued Fox News for defamation because the network, as part of its larger efforts to platform Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, allowed its on-air talent and many guests to spread lies that Dominion somehow helped rig the election for Joe Biden, doing tremendous damage to Dominion’s business.

And they had a very strong case. In addition to the fact the election wasn’t actually stolen, during the discovery phase of the trial, a mountain of evidence was unearthed that essentially proved Fox knew good and well that the claims were lies and continued to air them anyway. Fox even broke the law by withholding evidence during discovery.

But on Tuesday, the jury trial that was scheduled to begin instead was canceled when Fox and Dominion announced a settlement. Fox has agreed to pay Dominion $787 million, a huge sum to be sure, but only about 4% of the company’s current total net worth. In addition, Fox isn’t required to admit wrongdoing or even apologize. And that brings us back to Kimmel.

Also Read:
Fox News Acknowledges ‘False Claims’ in $787.5 Million Defamation Settlement, but Dominion Calls it By Another Name: ‘Telling Lies’ | Analysis

“No company in America had a worse day than Fox News today,” Kimmel said during his monologue. “That big, 1.6 billion dollar defamation trial was supposed to get going today. But it ended when Fox settled for 787.5 million dollars. It’s gonna take a lot of reverse-mortgage ads to pay that one off.”

“Immediately after the settlement, Fox issued a statement that said, ‘This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.’ They’re already lying in their statement about lying,” Kimmel said. “It’s shameless.”

And then he turned his gaze to Dominion.

“And while obviously Fox is the main villain here, I also want to say, ‘nice going’ to Dominion. We naively thought this was about making Fox News take responsibility for destroying their reputation. Because that’s what you told us it was about,” Kimmel said.

“But no, they took the money instead. Which means the liars who knowingly misled their oatmeal-brained viewers, and seriously damaged our Democracy, don’t have to say anything about it at all. No apologies. No testimony,” Kimmel continued, accurately describing the extent to which the settlement let Fox off the hook.

“They can go right back to sodomizing the country, while Dominion and their lawyers go shopping for yachts, I guess. Good work Dominion,” Kimmel said. “I hope you can sail far enough away [that] the next time Donald Trump loses the vote in Booger County, USA, you won’t be around to experience him.”