Kate Beckinsale Dressed as the "Heart of the Ocean" for Leonardo DiCaprio’s Birthday Party

Kate Beckinsale Dressed as the "Heart of the Ocean" for Leonardo DiCaprio’s Birthday Party

In case you're looking for yet another reason to be obsessed with Kate Beckinsale, she appears to have dressed up as the "Heart of the Ocean" for Leonardo DiCaprio’s birthday party.

You know, the giant blue necklace that Rose casually dropped into the water at the end of Titanic even though she could have, IDK, sold it, donated the money, and still made her same point?

Incredible reference, but please be advised that it's also possible that Kate's dress could be a shoutout to her and Leo's scene in The Aviator, where he (as Howard Hughes) gives her (as Ava Gardner) a sapphire necklace that ~matches her eyes~ and she quips, "I am not for sale."

Either way, truly in awe of this look.

And love to see that Kate and Leo are still friends! Back in their Aviator days, she told Hollywood.com that "He’s not just some kid on a skateboard that the talent fairy dropped fairy dust on. This somebody how is more in control of his talent, and more responsible with his talent, and just a master of his craft than almost anyone I’ve ever worked with. He’s absolutely blossoming with every moment, and just being around him is a real treat as another actor. On top of it, he’s a terrific nice man, and we have a lot of fun. It was a slow start, but once we started hurling ashtrays at each other, we really had a nice time.”

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