Kaka Azraff wants to do humanitarian work

30 May - Kaka Azraff recently admitted that she would love to join a humanitarian mission in any countries facing war and conflict as a way to lend a helping hand.

The singer, real name Noor Atiqa Noor Azraff, said that she was inspired by the works of her close friend Zizi Kirana, who recently flew to Syria to assist with the aid distribution mission.

"My aunt [rock queen Ella] reminded me to go with the right NGO. My husband has already given me permission and even expressed interest to join as well. If he is okay with it, then I have no problem doing it," she said.

Kaka says that her husband is supportive of her plans
Kaka says that her husband is supportive of her plans

Meanwhile, Kaka said that she is in full support of the Celebrity Blockout 2024 campaign, though would rather it be focused on international celebrities and brands, and not local ones.

"I support boycotting brands that are clearly helping in the atrocities against the Palestinians. But I am against people boycotting local celebrities and getting involved in a rift among ourselves. We should be united to help our friends over there. But how can we do that if we are against each other?" she said.

Zizi Kirana previously went to Syria under Cinta Syria Malaysia organisation
Zizi Kirana previously went to Syria under Cinta Syria Malaysia organisation

(Photo Source: Kaka Azraff IG, Zizi Kirana IG)