Judge Clears Way For Alex Jones To Liquidate Personal Assets To Pay Sandy Hook Families

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones got the go-ahead from a Texas judge on Friday to liquidate his personal assets to begin paying off the $1.5 billion he owes to the victims of a mass shooting whom he defamed for over a decade.

Federal Judge Christopher Lopez approved converting Jones’ Chapter 11 bankruptcy to Chapter 7 liquidation, which would streamline the process for Jones to sell off his personal assets to start paying the families he defamed.

Lopez declined to liquidate Free Speech Systems, the parent company of Jones’ conspiracy media empire, Infowars, in a separate bankruptcy case on Friday afternoon.

Jones first filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2022, after he was ordered to pay $1.5 billion in damages to the families who lost loved ones in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

After 20 children and six adults were killed in the shooting, Jones spent years using Infowars to falsely claim the massacre never happened, and that the relatives of various victims were all actors participating in a hoax.

Last week, Jones asked Lopez to convert his Chapter 11 bankruptcy to Chapter 7 liquidation. Friday’s approval means Jones’ personal assets can start being sold so the families can receive some portion of their payment.

Last month, Lopez gave Jones the go-ahead to sell his 127-acre Texas game ranch for $2.8 million to pay his legal expenses, with any leftover money going to the Sandy Hook families. Jones is still expected to keep his primary home in Austin.
