Johor Muda chief says BN ready to gamble with people’s lives, urges voters to reject coalition

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

JOHOR BARU, Oct 11 — The Johor chapter of the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) today urged voters to reject the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition in the coming 15th general election (GE15) in order to penalise those who often put political interests above people’s welfare.

Johor Muda chief Mohd Azrol Rahani said BN has neglected people’s interests on several occasions, citing this year’s state election amidst the Covid-19 pandemic as an example.

He alleged that this was reflected in BN’s approach and attitude in its decision to hold GE15 despite the monsoon season.

“We all know that they (BN) view other political parties that oppose having the GE15 this year as cowards. For them, it makes sense if the national polls are held this year despite facing the floods.

“If BN were able to take the gamble with other people’s lives in the previous state elections, it is not surprising that they will use the same approach for those who will be facing floods soon,” said Azrol in a statement today.

He was responding to yesterday’s dissolution of Parliament, paving the way for snap polls to be held during the year-end monsoon season.

Azrol, who is also a social activist, cautioned voters over political games by BN and its lynchpin Umno, questioning if the ruling coalition will actually think of people’s hardship once floods hit the country.

“For a party that upholds corruption, steals, and misuses power, we should no longer expect them to care about people’s welfare,” he said.

Azrol said despite Muda’s opposition to holding snap elections this year, the party will still assist those who are in need of assistance during trying times.

He said Muda will dedicate its flood operations room and also called on all volunteers to come together to help those affected.

Yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced the dissolution of Parliament to pave the way for early polls, ignoring appeals from the Opposition and lawmakers from within his own party not to hold GE15 until next year as the country prepares to face the annual monsoon floods.

Elections have to be held within 60 days of the dissolution.