Johor MB Onn Hafiz claims Zahid has no mandate to negotiate with Pakatan, repeats call for him to step down

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

JOHOR BARU, Nov 21 — Johor Mentri Besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi fired another round today at Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) chief Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for allegedly negotiating with Pakatan Harapan (PH) on behalf of the coalition.

He pointed out that Ahmad Zahid, whom party members expect to honourably resign immediately due to BN’s disastrous 15th general election (GE15) performance, should not represent Umno in any negotiations with another political party.

“While Umno members are waiting for the gracious action by the president to immediately resign, he, on the other hand, if it is true as reported by the media, is busy negotiating with PH and DAP.

“The fact is Umno and BN party presidents cannot carry out any mandates without the consent of the respective party and coalition’s supreme councils.

“Therefore, any decision made by the president without this process is considered invalid in terms of the party’s constitution,” said Onn Hafiz in his latest entry on his official Facebook today.

He was responding to media reports on rumours that the embattled Ahmad Zahid will represent BN in negotiating a possible cooperation with PH at the Hotel Seri Pacific in Kuala Lumpur at 10am today.

Onn Hafiz said Umno’s final decision is that it will not cooperate with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP.

“Let us continue to be dignified and principled even when tested with defeat. God willing, there is wisdom.

“Once again I request and plead for the Umno president to resign honourably as soon as possible,” he said.

Onn Hafiz, who was Johor BN’s elections operations director during the national polls, said it was Ahmad Zahid’s negative image that was one of the reasons for the coalition’s heavy defeat in GE15.

Yesterday, Onn Hafiz was among the earlier Umno members that called for Ahmad Zahid to resign immediately from leading BN and its lynchpin component party Umno, after its dismal showing nationwide in GE15.

This was followed by calls by other Umno leaders for Ahmad Zahid to take responsibility and step down as after BN was trashed by PN, leaving it with just 30 seats.

However, Onn, who is only the Simpang Renggam Umno division vice-chief, had also came under fire by several senior party members on social media for not being a first-rate mentri besar as he needed to criticise Ahmad Zahid twice, when once would suffice.

Yesterday, former senior defence minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who is Onn Hafiz’s uncle, said in his Facebook posting that it is very clear that BN must not cooperate with PH to form the next government.

The newly-elected Sembrong MP added what was important right now was that the country and the people need a stable government to move forward.

Ahmad Zahid is known to be closely linked to Anwar from their earlier days in Umno.