Joe Scarborough Slams Wall Street Journal’s ‘Anti-Anti Trumpism’ Op-Ed ‘Even When National Security Could Be Imperiled’

Joe Scarborough finds the Wall Street Journal’s “anti-anti Trumpism” lean that surfaced in its Friday opinion column about the FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago “deeply disheartening if you love America more than a game show host.”

The “Morning Joe” host took aim at the WSJ’s editorial board op-ed, “The Mar-a-Lago Affidavit: Is That All There Is?” which was commenting on the released affidavit that led to the search of Trump’s property (and members-only club) in Palm Beach, Florida.

The piece read in part, “We aren’t defending Mr. Trump’s behavior in any of this. He brings much of his trouble on himself. But his political enemies make it worse when they break political norms themselves. They also help Mr. Trump by making him into a political martyr.”

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Scarborough took to Twitter Saturday to express his concern about the angle the outlet took, writing, “Defining Trump’s Deviancy Down even when national security could be imperiled. Without knowing the risk to US intelligence operations, @WSJopinion asks: ‘Is That All There Is?’ Deeply disheartening if you love America more than a game show host.”

He went on: “Brought to you by the same opinion pages that regularly throw out ‘Russian Hoax’ in defense of Trump’s indefensible actions, even after the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee blasted Trump’s 2016 Campaign operational as ‘a grave counterintelligence threat’. Some hoax.”

Although chastising the WSJ for that column, Scarborough did praise it for how it has called out the former president in the past. “Unlike many, I often agree with @WSJopinion and salute them for going after Trump’s worst excesses on undermining elections and his unAmerican actions surrounding January 6,” he wrote. “Still, the anti-anti Trumpism infecting their FBI/DOJ attacks through the years have been unfortunate.”

The WSJ, which was purchased by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. in 2007, is well-known for customarily taking a conservative slant in its political opinions and positions.

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