Jimmy Kimmel Mocks ‘Piece Of Cap’ Trump’s Panicky Middle-Of-The-Night Rant

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel noticed that “not-so-great pumpkin” Donald Trump was up in the wee hours of Halloween morning, but he wasn’t getting the candy ready for trick-or-treaters.

Instead, the former president was firing off multiple all-caps rants on his Truth Social website, raging against President Joe Biden and complaining about the multiple legal cases he’s facing.

Trump posted two messages after 1 a.m., then reposted one of them after 4 a.m., adding “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!” in all capital letters.

That left Kimmel baffled.

“He woke up and went, ‘Oh, I forgot to say ‘election interference’ in all caps,’” Kimmel said. “And what is it with him and the caps? He types in all caps. He wears red caps. He had his supporters storm the Cap. He’s a real piece of cap.”

See more in his Tuesday night monologue: