Jill Biden Comes Out Swinging Against Trump Hours Before Debate

Leah Millis/Reuters
Leah Millis/Reuters

Jill Biden did not mince words during an appearance at Virginia Beach Thursday before her husband, President Joe Biden, took to the stage in the first presidential debate of 2024 against rival Donald Trump in Atlanta.

Noting Trump would be a “dictator on day one and take away a lot of the freedoms that we already have,” the first lady was greeted by a chorus of Biden supporters, though a few Trump fans were spotted outside the city’s Democratic Coordinated Campaign Office with signs surrounding Hunter Biden and his infamous laptop, according to the New York Post.

“You all know that there’s two visions for America, and you’ll see them tonight when you watch the debate. And you’ve already chosen your vision,” Biden told the crowd of about 75 supporters. “You’ve chosen strong, steady leadership versus that other vision, which is chaos and corruption.”

Noting the Biden clan is a “military family,” Jill exclaimed, “When I hear Trump call members of our military losers and suckers... how dare he. How dare he.”

She flew to Atlanta to meet her husband for the debate after her Virginia Beach appearance. In Atlanta, at a fundraising retreat at the Ritz-Carlton, she told reporters that “Joe’s ready to go. He’s prepared. He’s confident. You know what a great debater he is. We can’t stop now. We can’t get complacent. We’ve got to keep working together, working harder than we’ve ever worked before.”

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