Jesse Watters Aims The Fox-Newsiest Accusation At CNN Before Debate

Jesse Watters claimed CNN is likely providing President Joe Biden with the questions before his debate against Donald Trump on the news network Thursday. (Watch the video below.)

In comments on Wednesday that sounded like preemptive excuses in case Trump doesn’t fare well, the Fox News anchor referenced an opinion piece by Hillary Clinton in The New York Times this week.

Former Democratic nominee Clinton, who has debated both Trump and Biden, wrote that Trump’s bullying tactics “will fall flat if Mr. Biden is as direct and forceful as he was when engaging Republican hecklers at the State of the Union address in March. The president also has facts and truth on his side.”

She urged viewers “to remember that the election is between a convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people.”

Watters noted Democratic leverage points mentioned by Clinton, including abortion and Jan. 6, before making his evidence-free accusation.

“Hillary is giving Biden the answers and CNN is probably giving Biden the questions,” Watters said.

“Remember it’s the same network that leaked her questions the last time,” Watters added. “How do you trust a network that’s been calling Trump Hitler to play fair? You can’t. And if there’s any time to play dirty, it’s now, because Biden’s losing to Trump in every swing state, every one. And the media, like with all things, can’t understand what’s happening.”

In 2016 former CNN commentator Donna Brazile reportedly tipped off the Clinton campaign to an upcoming question in a primary debate and also a town hall on the news network. The questions were not leaked by the actual preparers, but the breach embarrassed then-CNN president Jeff Zucker, who reportedly called Brazile’s behavior “disgusting.”

Trump’s campaign has also been slinging mud at CNN ahead of Thursday’s showdown. Spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said the channel’s moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, have shown show a strong bias against Trump, putting the former president in hostile territory.

The second Biden-Trump debate ahead of their expected rematch in November is on Sept. 10 on ABC.

H/T Media Matters for America
