Jernelle Oh got engaged at the foot of Mount Fuji in November, wants to focus on house first before wedding

The local actress-host said she knew the proposal was coming, and managed to prepare a huge toy ring for her boyfriend in return.

Jernelle Oh is engaged but plans to focus on their house first before planning the wedding. (Photo: Instagram/ohyushi)
Jernelle Oh is engaged but plans to focus on their house first before planning the wedding. (Photo: Instagram/ohyushi)

Local actress-host Jernelle Oh is engaged, but in a surprising twist, she saw the proposal coming and even prepared something herself in return.

No, her boyfriend didn’t slip up, but she told Lianhe Zaobao that they’ve been together for so long, it’s hard to spring surprises. Plus, her boyfriend is someone who is easy to see through.

The 29-year-old said that she knew a proposal was imminent when her boyfriend, V, insisted on going to Japan for a trip.

“But I couldn't guess when or where, so there was still a little surprise,” she added. The proposal took place at the foot of Mount Fuji on 8 November, but the couple decided to announce it closer to the date of their anniversary on 22 December.

Who is Jernelle Oh engaged to?

Since she knew what was coming, Oh also prepared a surprise for V by getting a huge toy ring for him to wear on the spot.

Oh shared, “I have rarely heard him speak to me so seriously and emotionally, and in Chinese! He found some romantic vows online and read them to me. I was so moved I cried.”

The starlet is also keeping V’s name out of the public eye to protect his privacy, but revealed that he is an engineer. He is a year older than her, and they met while staying in the same dormitory in university.

“We have known each other for seven years and been together for six. I was attracted by his sincerity. He is a very honest, straightforward person. I like this kind of stable, down-to-earth, and simple life,” she said.

What are Jernelle Oh's plans for her wedding?

As for when the wedding will be held, Oh confessed that the couple are focusing on their house first. They have applied for it and it will be completed in a year.

She told Lianhe Zaobao, “What I can think of now is to do something different, such as a wedding party rather than a wedding reception.”

They have also thought about having kids, and while V wants two, Oh said, “I will let nature take its course, but if possible, I hope it will be before I am 35 years old.”

Most recently, Oh was nominated for Best Actress at the Asian Academy Creative Awards, alongside South Korean star Song Hye-kyo.

In an earlier interview, she told Yahoo Southeast Asia that despite the first recognition for her acting at a professional awards, she is not giving up on hosting yet.

“This is, like, [choosing between] my right hand or my left hand. I love both… I think it's two different things. And I enjoy both of them very much,” she said.

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