Janna Nick: Don't manipulate readers with clickbait titles!

22 Sep – Janna Nick recently expressed frustration over clickbait headlines made by certain bloggers that could only further inflame netizens' sentiments about her.

The actress recently took to Instagram Story to share her annoyance with the situation, after several news portals decided to focus more on her backside than her movie following a viral TikTok video of her waving to her fans at the premiere of her new movie, "Juang".

Sharing some of the said articles on her social media, Janna wrote, "Sometimes I don't understand the writing of some bloggers. Even if you want to chase 'clickbait' titles, make sure the source is authentic and doesn't manipulate the reader's thoughts."

"Don't convey the wrong message. You know how our people only read the titles," she added.

Janna also explained the origin of the said video and said that she was looking back and waving to a fan who had brought her child to the event.

"I looked back to her and waved, and invited her child to take a photo with me. I was not trying to show off my backside," she added.

In another post, the actress expressed annoyance over people sexualising women, saying, "If "Janna Nick distracts people with her booty", what should I do then?... Even a goat gets raped. If you're a pervert, even apples would trigger you."

The actress shared a screenshot of the news portal focusing on the wrong thing
The actress shared a screenshot of the news portal focusing on the wrong thing

(Photo Source: Janna Nick Instagram, my Metro)