James Carville Dismisses ‘Stupid and Ignorant’ Kari Lake for Lawsuit to Overturn Arizona Election

Kari Lake’s lawsuit to overturn her defeat in the midterm election for Arizona governor was scoffed at by Democrat strategist James Carville, who told CNN’s Jim Acosta that her attempts to spread distrust in the electoral process shouldn’t be the biggest story in Arizona.

“All right, Kari Lake is, she’s out there. She’s goofy and stupid and ignorant,” Carville said on Sunday. “She’ll keep doing everything, every stunt she can pull to get attention. But I don’t really think that’s the big story coming out of here.”

On Friday, the Trump-supported GOP candidate filed a lawsuit challenging the certification of the gubernatorial election results, naming victorious incumbent Gov. Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer as primary defendants. After losing the race, Lake accused election officials in the lawsuit of intentionally tampering with ballot tabulators, leading to “oppressively long lines” in Maricopa County on election day that depressed Republican voter turnout.

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“Lake received the greatest number of votes and is entitled to be named the winner,” the lawsuit claims. “Alternately, the election must be re-done in Maricopa County to eliminate the effects of maladminstration and illegal votes on the vote tallies reported by Maricopa County.”

Carville thinks more attention should be paid to a ballot measure in Arizona that expands campaign finance disclosures and passed by a supermajority, along with another ballot measure that would allow non-U.S. citizens living in Arizona to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities.

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“That’s big news. Kari Lake being goofy, right-wing stupid is hardly big or startling news,” Carville said.

Carville and Acosta were joined by CNN conservative political commentator S.E. Cupp, who believes that Trump, Lake and other defeated alt-right candidates challenging the legitimacy of the elections they lost are alienating more and more voters by pushing the Big Lie.

“It’s been so ineffective, not just practically in that it has overturned no elections, but it’s really hurt the party and the image of the party,” Cupp said. “And for Independents, which, you know, you’ll need if you’re a Republican running for office, it’s a huge turnoff – the election denialism, the conspiracy theories and these never-ending phony audits and recounts and lawsuits. I think people are sick of it.”

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Katie Hobbs Wins Arizona Governor’s Race Over Election Denier Kari Lake