Jackie Forster reunites with her two sons

The actress and her two boys has let bygones be bygones five years after their public spat

2 May – Five years after their conflict, Jackie Forster finally got her reunion with her two sons from her previous marriage with comedian Benjie Paras; Andre and Kobe Paras.

The actress shared the good news on Instagram recently with a photo of her with her two boys, saying, "When you have little pieces of you walking around on earth, all you can do that makes the biggest difference is to pray for them. When your heart beats in tune with your prayer their Homing Device will activate, eventually they come home."

"This is all that matters now, that we are together again, no matter what anyone says, [Kobe Paras] will always be mama's hero. Thank you to kuya [Andre Paras] for taking good care of him while mama was away. God is [so] good!" she added.

At the same time, Forster also hopes that the media and public will respect her sons' privacy, adding that both she and her sons do not want to dwell on the past.

"We will not speak on behalf of people outside of our relationship. That's not our place. On behalf of my two sons I want to thank those of you who prayed for us and with us! God bless your hearts a million folds!" she added.

The conflict between Forster and her two sons sparked in 2013, when both boys dismissed their mother's statement about her struggles to reach out to them as a mere publicity stunt.

(Photo Source: Jackie Forster Instagram)