Jack Roush Jr. on booming performance car and parts sales

Jack Roush Jr. of Roush Performance on the booming performance car parts scene, and whether the big jump in car sales will last into the fall.

Video transcript

- Down on market, we have been talking about the fact that supply shortages and also surging demand has left. Not only dealers, but also potential buyers just on the hook. They cannot find is simply the vehicles that they need. Let's talk about that.

Let's also talk about the dynamics at play when it comes to racing. And we want to bring in Jack Roush Jr. He's a performance, marketing VP. Also host of the podcast. You don't know Jack.

And we all sat Subramanian joining the conversation. As well Jack, I guess your focus clearly is on the manufacturing, and also the development of racing components. I guess how is the supply shortage in some of the dynamics at play in the auto market? How is that affecting your business?

JACK ROUSH JR.: YOu know, multiple ways. It's interesting what it's going to use car prices obviously. But for we don't just make parts, we also have fully pre-title upgraded packages that we put on top of Ford vehicles.

And that's-- it really has hurt us too hard so far. But it's-- it's definitely a wild card, you know. We don't know exactly how this year is going to finish out.

- Hey, Jack. Cross here. So I know one of those vehicles that knew 2021 0.50 Roush performance edition. Tell us about that. And you know, bafflement is the top selling vehicle in America is. It also the top selling to look for performance as well.

JACK ROUSH JR.: Yeah. Actually, you know, it's funny if you look back over time. We've really been known for Mustang. You know, we've raced Mustangs. I've personally raced Mustangs myself. But the truck market over the past five years has just exploded. And it's not stopping.

- I'm curious because I'm stuck in the era of Andy Graniteville setting the speed record in an Davante with an R3 engine supercharged. What's going to happen with the shift to everything going electric? Are we going-- is a whole generation going to forever be lost on powerful internal combustion engines or will it just shift?

JACK ROUSH JR.: That's a great question. I don't think anyone knows exactly how this is going to play out. You know, what we're talking about with that is really a cultural question. You know, what-- what will be the appetite for the enthusiast to really enjoy electric engines?

You know, I just like you guys, I grew up with gas engines. And to feel that you know the explosions that literally shoot you forward, you know, that's a hard thing to give up.

I think, though, we are seeing a trend towards acceptance for electric vehicles in performance. But it's-- I think going to take a little bit of time.

- Hey, Jack, I got a two part question here. First, are we going to see an electric F 150 Lightning rod performance version? And then also I want to ask you about the car customization scene, you know, people working on their cars was a big trend here during the pandemic.

And as we slowly. And I don't know if we're going to be able to get out of it sooner or later. But are we going to see that trend stick around in your mind?

JACK ROUSH JR.: We're looking at options with new vehicles. I can't really say anything right now. But definitely stay tuned. For the trend that we're seeing with demand right now, you know, it's really interesting.

You know, we went into the pandemic. And we-- we were really, quite honestly concerned, you know, our sales is going to go away. What's going to happen to the economy?

And as you guys know, demand has just skyrocketed. I've never seen you know a surge in demand like this before.

The lockdowns have slowed, you know. The future is so uncertain with COVID. But you know, even coming out of, you know, the first waves of not breathing. We have not seen a slowdown in demand.

I mean, people want to get out there and enjoy their lives. I think the lockdowns have really if anything made people more passionate about building their cars and getting out there and using them.

- All right. Jack Roush Jr., Marketing, Vise President at Roush a performance. Thanks so much for taking the time to join us.