Israel, Gaza trade fire after death of hunger striker

STORY: Fighting has escalated over the death of a Palestinian hunger striker in Israeli custody.

Late Tuesday, militants in the Gaza strip fired salvos of rockets into Israel.

In response, Israeli planes struck Gaza city.

The Israeli military says it hit weapons manufacturing sites and training camps of Hamas, the Islamic group that governs the coastal enclave.

Tensions flared after Khader Adnan, a prominent Islamic Jihad member detained in Israel, died Tuesday after he refused food for almost three months.

He’s the first Palestinian hunger striker to die in Israeli custody in more than 30 years.

Israel’s Prison Service says Adnan, who was awaiting trial, refused medical care.

Disputing their claim, Adnan’s lawyer accused Israeli authorities of withholding treatment.

News of Khader’s death spread anger among Palestinians.

The Islamic Jihad has sworn revenge on Khader’s death.

But Khader’s wife has appealed for calm from resistance groups, and said she “doesn’t want to see bloodshed”.

According to the Palestinian Prisoners Association, Adnan had been arrested by Israel 12 times.

Washington’s State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel commented at a Tuesday briefing, saying all individuals "including prisoners, should be treated humanely”.

“That is our belief. That is our view.”

He also noted the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a designated foreign terrorist organization that "continues to advance violence."