Hunter Biden trial: Naomi’s testimony brought tears and tension as defense considers Hunter on the stand

Hunter Biden trial: Naomi’s testimony brought tears and tension as defense considers Hunter on the stand

Hunter Biden was visibly emotional while watching his eldest daughter, Naomi Biden, as she testified in federal court on Friday in his gun charges trial.

Naomi, who was aware of her father’s drug addiction but never witnessed it, said she was “proud” of her dad for going to rehab in 2018 – two months before he purchased a firearm.

As she spoke, members of the Biden family including First Lady Jill Biden wiped away tears.

Prosecutors claim Hunter lied on a federal gun form when he indicated he was not unlawfully using, or addicted to, illegal drugs. He has been charged with three gun-related counts and pleaded not guilty to all of them.


However, the defense maintains that Hunter was not using drugs when he bought the firearm and the government must prove he was actively using drugs when he bought the gun – something no person has been able to say definitively.

The trial taking place in Wilmington, Delaware is expected to continue Monday. Defense attorneys will spend the weekend deciding whether or not to call a final witness – speculated to be Hunter.

Key Points

  • Defense will consider one more witnesses

  • Hunter gets emotional watching Naomi

  • Prosecution rests

  • Joe Biden says he won’t pardon Hunter

  • Prosecution’s pivotal evidence is tied to Hallie Biden

Press in Hunter Biden trial ask judge to allow for electronic devices in courtroom

Wednesday 5 June 2024 22:00 , Ariana Baio

A coalition of news media organizations have asked Judge Maryellen Noreika to allow journalists to use mobile devices or computers in the courtroom for Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial.


“Because the public interest in such real-time reporting is especially high in this historic case, and because the use of electronic devices has inarguably improved coverage in other high-profile proceedings while causing no disruptions, the Press Coalition seeks a limited exemption to the Standing Order for credentialed members of the media to use mobile electronic devices and laptops in the courthouse to report on the U.S. v. Biden trial,” the coalition of the press said in a filing.

It is typical that you may not use electronic devices in federal court – only handwritten notes are allowed. This can make it difficult for journalists to cover major trials like Biden’s.

At the J Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Wilmington, some press are allowed to use laptops in a separate press room and tune into the trial via remote access. Trials may not be recorded by any means though so often news organizations must purchase transcripts.

Those in the courtroom are required to secure their phones in a locked pouch which cannot be opened except by security. Each time a person leaves the courtroom to use their phone they put go through security to unlock their phone.

The coalition of press argued in a filing that limited electronic device access makes it difficult to cover the trial which is high-profile.

Catch up with proceedings from yesterday

Wednesday 5 June 2024 23:00 , Ariana Baio


Here’s what you missed in proceedings from Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial on Tuesday.

Hunter Biden’s tearful sister Ashley leaves court as trial hears about his drug use

Prosecution makes it clear: Hunter Biden was addicted to drugs

Thursday 6 June 2024 01:00 , Ariana Baio

Zoe Kestan’s detailed testimony about Hunter Biden makes it very clear that in 2017 and 2018 he was struggling with addiction to crack cocaine.

Kestan said she witnessed Biden smoke crack cocaine over and over again in New York City and a few times in Malibu, California. She described how he withdrew large sums of money to pay for drugs and at one point toyed with the idea of making it himself.

She testified that Biden wanted to get sober and talked about seeking treatment at a rehabilitation facility in California but that it was difficult for him.


In several messages, shown to the jury, Biden texted Kestan that he would “always be an addict” and that he was “doing it alone.”

However, defense attorneys believe the prosecution must show Biden was using drugs while purchasing a firearm in October 2018.

Kestan said she witnessed Biden smoking crack cocaine in September 2018 – just one month before he would purchase a firearm.

Ex-wife testifies she found drug parapernalia in Biden’s car

Thursday 6 June 2024 03:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, testified on Wednesday that she found a broken pipe, pipe-cleaning materials, a white powder and remnants of crystals in his car in 2018.

She said she looked for drugs in his vehicle more than once so that her daughters wouldn’t drive it with drugs in the car. She added that he continued to work while using drugs and that she found that others didn’t notice his drug use. He tried to hide his drug use from family and friends, she said.

She added that they talked about him going to rehab, but that he didn’t want to, noting that he eventually did.

On cross-examination, she said alcohol had been an issue throughout their marriage, and that Biden initially went to rehab in 2003.

Gustaf Kilander is reporting from Wilmington, Delaware

Kestan didn’t know he was Joe Biden’s son at first

Thursday 6 June 2024 05:00 , Ariana Baio

Zoe Kestan did not know Hunter was Joe Biden’s son when she met him in 2017 at a gentleman’s club in New York City, she testified.

Kestan, who was around 24 years old at the time she was involved with Biden, then 48 years old, said that she figured out who he was after seeing his photo online.

She testified to jurors that she was enamored by Biden when she first met him – finding him “charming” and “charismatic”.

Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial has begun. This is what the case hinges on

Thursday 6 June 2024 07:00 , Gustaf Kilander

A seemingly relaxed Biden was seen laughing with defense attorney Abbe Lowell before the proceedings began in the wooded courtroom in downtown Wilmington on Tuesday.

The question at hand is if Biden lied on a form when he bought the gun, asserting that he wasn’t using drugs at that time. He only had the gun for 11 days before Hallie Biden discarded it behind a grocery store.

Gustaf Kilander reports:

Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial has begun. This is what the case hinges on

Ex-girlfriend was unaware of Biden’s whereabouts in October 2018

Thursday 6 June 2024 09:00 , Ariana Baio

Zoe Kestan testified that she was unaware of what Hunter Biden was doing in October 2018, when prosecutors say he purchased a firearm while addicted to crack cocaine.

In one of her final moments on the stand, Kestan said the last time she saw him was September 2018 when he was lonely and needed a drug dealer for cocaine.

Two of Hunter Biden’s exes detail his extensive drug use as he grew ‘short-tempered’ and ‘angry’

Thursday 6 June 2024 11:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Two of Hunter Biden’s exes outlined his extensive drug use in detailed testimony at his federal gun trial.

Zoe Kestan testified that Biden smoked crack cocaine within minutes of their meeting at a “gentlemen’s club” where she worked in Manhattan.

Earlier on Wednesday, Biden’s ex-wife said in testimony that he grew “angry” and “short-tempered” after smoking crack cocaine.

Kathleen Buhle said Biden was “not himself” after she found a “crackpipe” on her side porch on 3 July 2015 in Washington, DC.

Wednesday’s proceedings focused mostly on the testimony of Kestan, whom the defense noted has an immunity deal. She testified regarding the widespread crack use by Biden amid their seemingly chaotic time together moving between hotels and AirBnBs after meeting in December 2017.


Two of Hunter Biden’s exes detail his extensive drug use in federal gun trial

Who has testified?

Thursday 6 June 2024 12:00 , Ariana Baio

So far, prosecutors have introduced four witnesses in Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial, including two of his former partners.

Those who have testified include:

Erika Jensen, an FBI agent who was assigned to Biden’s case last year. She testified that she used Biden’s memoir and data extracted from his laptop to determine a history of his drug use.

Katheleen Buhle, Biden’s ex-wife of 24 years. She testified that Biden was using drugs as early as 2015 and she found evidence of drug use in 2018.

Zoe Kestan, Biden’s former girlfriend. She testified to witnessing Biden smoke crack cocaine continuously in early 2018.

Gordon Cleveland, the former gun shop employee who sold Biden a revolver. He testified that Biden filled out the federal gun form without hesitation and confirmed he sold the firearm to Biden.

What to expect on day three of testimony

Thursday 6 June 2024 13:00 , Ariana Baio

Testimony and cross-examination is expected to continue today in Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial, with highly anticipated testimony from Hallie Biden – the widow of Beau Biden and onetime girlfriend of Hunter.

Defense attorneys will begin the day by finishing the cross-examination of Gordon Cleveland, the former gun store employee who sold Biden a firearm in October 2018.

After that, they will call their remaining witnesses – with much shorter testimony.

Prosecutors said they could rest as early as Thursday.

Watch live: Hunter Biden’s gun charges trial continues

Thursday 6 June 2024 13:41 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden’s gun charges trial continues with prosecutors expected to rest case

Hunter Biden arrives to court

Thursday 6 June 2024 14:07 , Ariana Baio

Carrying a copy of his memoir, Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, arrive at the federal court for his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 6, 2024 (REUTERS)
Carrying a copy of his memoir, Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, arrive at the federal court for his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 6, 2024 (REUTERS)
Carrying a copy of his memoir, Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, arrive at the federal court for his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 6, 2024. (REUTERS)
Carrying a copy of his memoir, Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, arrive at the federal court for his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 6, 2024. (REUTERS)

Prosecution could rest case today

Thursday 6 June 2024 14:27 , Ariana Baio

Prosecutors said they could rest their case today if they can get through their remaining five witnesses.

Abbe Lowell, the defense attorney, told Judge Maryellen Noreika that they plan to call Hallie Biden, two Delaware state police officers, a forensic chemist and a DEA special agent.

Procedural matters kick off court

Thursday 6 June 2024 14:38 , Ariana Baio

Court is back in session but Judge Maryellen Noreika is presiding over some procedural matters related to evidence that the defense wants to introduce without having shared it with prosecutors ahead of time.

The evidence has to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop and some texts.

Judge Noreika said she was “confused” by their decision to introduce evidence late.

Hallie Biden arrives at federal courthouse

Thursday 6 June 2024 14:45 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law and former girlfriend, has arrived at the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware.

She is expected to be the prosecution’s next witness after Gordon Cleveland.

Hallie Biden (L), daughter in-law of U.S. President Joe Biden, arrives to the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building for the trial of Hunter Biden on June 06, 2024 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Getty Images)
Hallie Biden (L), daughter in-law of U.S. President Joe Biden, arrives to the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building for the trial of Hunter Biden on June 06, 2024 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Getty Images)

Defense continues cross-examination

Thursday 6 June 2024 14:46 , Ariana Baio

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, is continuing cross-examining the man who sold Biden the firearm in October 2018 in Wilmington.

Gordon Cleveland, the former gun shop employee, is on the stand answering Lowell’s questions.

Defense highlights language on gun form

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:12 , Ariana Baio

Lowell is focusing on the language in the federal gun form that Hunter Biden filled out – specifically between the distinction of “have” and “are”.

The question asks a person “are you an unlawful user” or addicted to illegal drugs.

Lowell says prosecutors must prove that Biden was using drugs when he bought the revolver. Previous testimony from Biden’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, indicated that Biden was not always aware he was addicted to drugs.

Lowell says that the moment he bought the revolver, Biden did not think he was addicted.

Hallie Biden takes the stand

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:20 , Ariana Baio

Prosecutors have called Hallie Biden to testify.

Hallie was married to Beau Biden – Hunter’s brother – from 2022 until Beau died in 2015. Together they had two children, Natalie Biden and Robert Biden II.

Between 2016 and 2019 Hallie was romantically involved with Hunter. During that time, she witnessed Hunter’s drug use and discovered the firearm at the center of the trial.

Hallie Biden says she first found Biden’s drugs in 2015-2016

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:34 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden testified that she found Hunter Biden’s drugs sometime in 2015 or 2016 when they first began dating.

She told jurors she didn’t know what it was at first and had to Google search it. She said she found out it was crack cocaine.

Hunter later admitted to her it was crack – a similar story that Kathleen Buhle testified about.

Hallie said she and Hunter had a romantic relationship after Beau Biden, her ex-husband and Hunter’s brother, died in 2015. She said it was “gradual”.

Hallie Biden witnessed Hunter doing drugs in 2018

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:39 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden testified she witnessed Hunter Biden smoking crack cocaine “occasionally”, as late as July 2018.

She told jurors she saw Hunter using drugs in his Washington DC apartment and the house they rented in Annapolis, Maryland.

Hallie testified Hunter would become “agitated” or “high strung” when using crack cocaine but could also function at times.

She said she would accompany him to drug deals sometimes.

Hunter introduced Hallie to crack cocaine

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:41 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden introduced Hallie Biden to crack cocaine in the summer of 2018 while she was visiting him in Los Angeles, she told the juror.

“It was a terrible experience that I went through and I’m embarrassed and I’m ashamed of that period of my life,” she testified.

Hallie is testifying under an immunity deal she struck with prosecutors.

Hallie discovered firearm in Hunter’s car

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:51 , Ariana Baio

On October 23, 2018, Hallie Biden found the gun Hunter purchased in his truck.

She told jurors she had not been able to contact Hunter for “weeks” and that when she saw him that morning he looked “exhausted.” After he went to sleep, she went to his truck to clean it out.

Hallie said she found, “trash, clothes, some remnants of crack” and drug paraphernalia in addition to the gun.

Hallie testifies she threw gun away out of fear

Thursday 6 June 2024 15:57 , Ariana Baio

When Hallie Biden discovered Hunter Biden’s gun, she said she “panicked” because she didn’t want him to hurt himself or her two children to find it and hurt themselves.

Eventually, she decided to put it in a leather pouch and throw it in the garbage of a grocery store.

“I realize it was a stupid idea now, but I was just panicking,” she testified.

Hunter told Hallie to file police report

Thursday 6 June 2024 16:16 , Ariana Baio

After Hunter Biden discovered Hallie Biden discarded his gun, he asked her to either find it or fill out a police report, she testified on Thursday.

“When I went to go look for it, I couldn’t find it,” Hallie testified.

Hunter wanted her to file the report because the gun was in his name.

Prosecutors showed the jury security camera footage of Hallie Biden looking for the gun in the trash of the grocery store.

Hunter was 'angry’ with Hallie after she threw out gun

Thursday 6 June 2024 16:30 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden frantically texted Hallie Biden about finding the gun the day she threw it out, text messages shown to the jury indicated.

Hallie testified that Hunter was “angry” with her because of the implications of losing the firearm.

In one text, Hunter said to Hallie, “The f***ing FBI, Hallie, its hard to believe anyone is that stupid.”

Hallie said she just wanted Hunter to be safe.

Prosecution’s pivotal evidence is tied to Hallie Biden

Thursday 6 June 2024 17:07 , Ariana Baio

A key part of the prosecution’s evidence that Hunter Biden was using drugs at the time he purchased the firearm is a text message he sent to Hallie Biden on October 13th – one day after he purchased the gun.

“I was sleeping on a car smoking [crack] on 4th street and Rodney,” Hunter texted her after she frantically inquired about his whereabouts.

Hallie said she wanted to help Hunter get sober and keep him safe.

However, the defense argues that Hunter lied to her because he did not want to see her. They claim Hunter was drinking alcohol – not using drugs – when he purchased the gun.

Defense cross-examining Hallie

Thursday 6 June 2024 17:10 , Ariana Baio

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell is now cross-examining Hallie Biden.

Hallie Biden did not see Hunter use drugs in 2018

Thursday 6 June 2024 17:16 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden testified that she did not see Hunter use drugs in October 2018 – when he bought the gun.

During cross-examination, Hallie said she and Hunter planned to go to a treatment facility together in Pennslyvania which is why he returned to Wilmington from Los Angeles.

But Hallie did not see Hunter use drugs during the time nor did she find any remnants of drugs.

She admitted that it was “difficult” to remember details during that hard time in her life.

Hallie and Hunter had an ‘on-again off-again’ relationship

Thursday 6 June 2024 17:39 , Ariana Baio

Under cross-examination, Hallie Biden said she and Hunter had a “complicated” relationship that was on-again off-again.

She described their relationship as full of ups and downs.

Court is on lunch break

Thursday 6 June 2024 17:56 , Ariana Baio

Proceedings are adjourned for the next hour while court takes lunch

Hallie accompanied to court by new husband John Hopkins Anning

Thursday 6 June 2024 18:19 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden walked into the federal building in Wilmington, Delaware hand-in-hand with her new husband, John Hopkins Anning.

Anning, a financial broker according to Page Six, confirmed to NBC News that the two got married last week.

“It’s not a great way to start the honeymoon,” Anning said jokingly.

He said that testifying was “very hard” on Hallie and he was proud of her.

Hallie Biden (left) walks with her husband John Hopkins Anning (right) to federal court on Thursday June 6 (Getty Images)
Hallie Biden (left) walks with her husband John Hopkins Anning (right) to federal court on Thursday June 6 (Getty Images)

Hunter Biden looks down during Hallie’s testimony

Thursday 6 June 2024 19:00 , Gustaf Kilander, Ariana Baio

As Hallie Biden testified to the on-again-off-again relationship she had with her brother-in-law, Hunter Biden looked down at his hands more often than previously.

On the stand, Hallie detailed how she witnessed Hunter use crack cocaine from 2015 until 2018. She told jurors Hunter introduced her to drugs during the summer of 2018 and she was “ashamed” of that period of her life.

Hunter looked down more often than he had in previous testimonies, occasionally chatting to his lawyer, Abbe Lowell.

Gustaf Kilander is reporting from inside the courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware

Court is back from lunch

Thursday 6 June 2024 19:24 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden has returned to the stand as court proceedings resume.

Defense is continuing cross-examining her

Hallie testifies she saw “dusting” of drugs

Thursday 6 June 2024 19:49 , Ariana Baio

During cross-examination, Hallie Biden told jurors she saw a “dusting” of drugs in the truck where she found Hunter Biden’s firearm.

In October 2018, Hallie discovered the firearm that Hunter bought while cleaning out his truck. She told jurors she could recall what exactly she saw – whether that was drugs or drug paraphernalia.

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell underlined the fact that Hallie could not recall exactly.

Defense uses phone logs to to recount day Hallie found gun

Thursday 6 June 2024 19:53 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden testified on Thursday that she could not recall the exact events on the day when she discovered a firearm in Hunter Biden’s truck.

After discarding the gun in a grocery store garbage bin, Hallie said Hunter frantically texted her.

However, Hallie had trouble remembering exactly what happened on that day – which at this point is more than five years ago.

Lowell showed phone logs indicating Hallie and Hunter called each other to help reconstruct the day’s events.

Next up: Joshua Marley a Delaware State Police officer

Thursday 6 June 2024 19:58 , Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden is off the stand and now the prosecution has called Joshua Marley, a Delaware State Police officer, to the stand.

Marley is the officer who responded to calls of a missing firearm at the grocery store where Hallie Biden discarded it.

Joe Biden says he won’t pardon Hunter

Thursday 6 June 2024 20:00 , Ariana Baio

President Joe Biden said he would not pardon his son, Hunter, if he’s found guilty of criminal gun charges, he told David Muir on ABC News.

When asked if he would accept the outcome of Hunter’s trial, President Biden said, “Yes”.

Muir asked President Biden if he would rule out a pardon, to which the president responded, “Yes”.

The president criticized Donald Trump for refusing to accept the outcome of his own trial thus undermining the justice system.

“He’s trying to undermine it,” President Biden told Muir. “He got a fair trial. The jury spoke.”

Marley says they could not find gun

Thursday 6 June 2024 20:15 , Ariana Baio

Joshua Marley, the Delaware State Police officer who responded to calls of a missing firearm, testified that they were unable to find the gun after searching trash cans from the grocery store.

Marley said he reviewed security camera footage from the grocery store and interviewed Hunter Biden the day of the call.

Marley says Hunter was ‘victim'

Thursday 6 June 2024 20:24 , Ariana Baio

Joshua Marley is off the stand after very brief testimony and cross-examination.

During his testimony, Marley said he interviewed Hunter Biden – who he said was “the victim”. He said that the gun was taken from his truck.

However, Marley never interviewed Hallie Biden – the person who took the gun out of the truck and discarded it.

Prosecutors call former Delaware state trooper

Thursday 6 June 2024 20:36 , Ariana Baio

Prosecutors have called Millard Greer, a former special investigator with the Delaware Department of Justice to the stand.

Greer says elderly man took gun out of trash

Thursday 6 June 2024 20:53 , Ariana Baio

An elderly man looking through a trash can is the one who discovered the gun Hallie Biden removed from Hunter Biden’s truck, Greer testified on Thursday.

Greer said he reviewed security camera footage and found the man. When he took Greer back to his home he pulled the gun out of a sock and gave it to Greer.

He also had the leather pouch Hallie put the gun in and the box of ammunition.

Prosecution calls the man who found the gun in the trash can

Thursday 6 June 2024 21:20 , Ariana Baio

Next up is Edward Banner, the man who found Hunter Biden’s gun in the trash.

Banner finishes testimony, court adjounred

Thursday 6 June 2024 21:59 , Ariana Baio

Banner, the man who found the gun, has finished his testimony and court is adjourned for the day.

Prosecutors will continue calling three remaining witnesses tomorrow.

Court adjourns for the day

Thursday 6 June 2024 22:10 , Gustaf Kilander

When Hallie walked out after she was done, she stole a glance at the defense’s table but then looked away as she got closer. Hunter looked at his desk.

Gustaf Kilander is reporting from Wilmington, Delaware

Recapping Hallie Biden’s testimony

Thursday 6 June 2024 23:00 , Gustaf Kilander, Ariana Baio

Hallie Biden took the stand in Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial on Thursday, testifying to her romantic relationship with her brother-in-law and witnessing his drug use.

Hallie told jurors she and Hunter have known each other since middle school. The two became in-laws when Hallie married Beau Biden, Hunter’s brother in 2002. After Beau died in 2015, Hallie and Hunter began dating.

Early on in their relationship, Hallie found drug paraphernalia but had to Google what it was because she had never seen crack cocaine. When she confronted him, Hunter admitted he was using drugs. She admitted that she witnessed Hunter using drugs in Washington DC and even accompanied him to drug deals.

She said she saw him buy crack cocaine smaller than a marble or bigger than a ping-pong ball.

Hallie said Hunter became “agitated, high-strung but at other times functioning” when he used drugs. This was consistent with Kathleen Buhle’s testimony.

Hallie was obviously very concerned for Hunter’s well-being and safety. Prosecutors showed text messages where she pleaded with him, “This can’t go on.”

At one point, Hunter introduced Hallie to drugs. She told jurors it was “a terrible experience” and she was “ashamed”.

“I regret that period of my life,” Hallie said.

Who is with Hunter Biden today?

Friday 7 June 2024 03:00 , Ariana Baio

Every day of Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial, members of his family and close friends have come to support him.

Today, Melissa Cohen Biden, Hunter’s wife; Valerie Biden, Joe Biden’s sister; Bonny Jacobs, Jill Biden’s sister and Kevin Morris, Hunter’s friend and benefactor.

First Lady Jill Biden was in Normandy, France with her husband marking D-Day. Most likely she will return to court to support Hunter.

Valerie Biden, from left, Kevin Morris and Melissa Cohen Biden depart from federal court, Thursday, June 6, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
Valerie Biden, from left, Kevin Morris and Melissa Cohen Biden depart from federal court, Thursday, June 6, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)

Biden rules out pardoning Hunter if he’s convicted on gun charges

Friday 7 June 2024 05:00 , Ariana Baio

President Joe Biden has revealed he will not pardon his son, Hunter Biden, if he is convicted on felony gun charges.

ABC News’ David Muir asked the president point blank if he would accept the outcome of his son’s trial. “Yes,” the president replied, also telling Muir he would rule out pardoning his son if convicted.

Katie Hawkinson reports:

Biden rules out pardoning Hunter if he’s convicted on gun charges

A common theme throughout the trial: Prosecution and defense do not dispute drug use

Friday 7 June 2024 07:00 , Ariana Baio

The prosecution and the defense in the Hunter Biden trial on federal gun charges agree on one thing: The president’s son struggled with substance use disorder.

What’s disputed is whether he was an active drug user when he bought a gun in Wilmington, Delaware on 12 October 2018.

The prosecution used extensive excerpts from Biden’s 2021 memoir Beautiful Things to argue that he was. The defense says he didn’t knowingly break the law as Biden didn’t consider himself an active user at the time.

Text messages between Hunter and Hallie Biden depict tension

Friday 7 June 2024 09:00 , Ariana Baio

After Hallie Biden discarded Hunter Biden’s gun in the trash can of a grocery store, Hunter was extremely angry with her.

Text messages between the two depict a falling out over the matter.

Hunter called Hallie “insane,” and demanded she tell him where the handgun went. Hunter initially kept it in his pickup truck but Hallie removed it after cleaning out the truck out of fear he would hurt himself.

“This is no game. And you’re being totally irresponsible and unhinged,” Hunter texted her.

“I’m sorry, I just want you to be safe, this is not safe,” she said.

Hallie Biden testifies about complicated relationship with Hunter in federal gun trial

Friday 7 June 2024 11:00 , Gustaf Kilander

Hunter Biden’s former sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend Hallie Biden has testified about her chaotic relationship with the president’s son at his federal gun trial in Wilmington, Delaware.

Hunter stands accused of having lied about his drug use on a form to buy a firearm on 12 October 2018. The prosecution has attempted to prove to the jury that Biden was aware that he struggled with substance abuse at the time.

His defense has argued that when he bought the gun, which he only had for 11 days before it was discarded, he wasn’t actively using illicit drugs.

Hallie, the widow of Hunter’s brother Beau Biden, testified that she has known Hunter since middle school, adding that their relationship began in late 2015 or early 2016 following the death of her husband.


Hallie Biden testifies about complicated relationship with Hunter in gun trial

Who’s who in the Hunter Biden trial

Friday 7 June 2024 12:00 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is on trial for three federal gun-related charges after he allegedly unlawfully obtained a firearm in October 2018.

The trial began on Monday at the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware where a cast of characters testified about Hunter’s prior drug use and possession of the firearm.

Ariana Baio reports:

The ex, the wife and the widow: Who’s who in the Hunter Biden trial

What to expect on day five

Friday 7 June 2024 13:00 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial will continue today with prosecutors calling their three final witnesses and resting their case.

Defense attorneys will then call their witnesses, which could include James Biden – Joe Biden’s brother.

Hunter Biden, Jill Biden arrive at court

Friday 7 June 2024 14:24 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden (L), son of US President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden (R) arrive to the US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 07 June 2024. (EPA)
Hunter Biden (L), son of US President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden (R) arrive to the US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 07 June 2024. (EPA)
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden arrives to attend her son Hunter Biden’s trial at US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 07 June 2024. (EPA)
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden arrives to attend her son Hunter Biden’s trial at US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 07 June 2024. (EPA)

Back in court: forensic chemist is on the stand

Friday 7 June 2024 14:28 , Ariana Baio

The prosecution has continued with their case, calling Dr Jason Brewer, a forensic chemist, to the stand.

Forensic chemist says cocaine was found on gun pouch

Friday 7 June 2024 14:44 , Ariana Baio

Prosecutor Leo Wise has asked Dr Brewer about the pouch that the firearm was found in – the same one that Hallie Biden put the gun in before throwing it in a trash can.

Dr Brewer said he tested the pouch to determine if there were traces of drugs or drug residue. He said he found “minimal” white powder on the interior flap and in the bottom of the pouch.

“Cocaine was identified within the residual white powder that I sampled,” Dr Brewer said.

Defense notes pouch was tested 5 years later

Friday 7 June 2024 14:50 , Ariana Baio

During Dr Brewer’s cross-examination, defense attorney David Kolansky noted that the pouch was tested five years after it was recovered, in October 2023, and the test does not indicate when the cocaine would have gotten on the pouch or how it did.

Kolansky is making an effort to undermine the government’s case that Hunter Biden was actively using drugs when he bought the firearm.

The pouch that the gun was found in was not the gun’s original container.

Final witness: DEA agent

Friday 7 June 2024 15:01 , Ariana Baio

Prosecutors have called Drug Enforcement Administration agent Joshua Romig to the stand.

This will be their final witness before resting their case.

Romig told jurors he has years of experience with drug investigations.

DEA agent testifies about drug terminology

Friday 7 June 2024 15:16 , Ariana Baio

Romig read through several of Hunter Biden’s messages on Friday to testify about language that is often used during drug deals.

He told jurors that a text Hunter sent about “baby powder” was “rudimentary, pretty standard cocaine code.”

Prosecutor Derek Hines asked Romig to decode the word “party favor” – which Romig says “generally” means drugs.

Defense points out DEA agent is not involved in investigation

Friday 7 June 2024 15:45 , Ariana Baio

During cross-examination, Lowell stresses to jurors that Romig is not involved in the investigation and his testimony is only about drugs as a whole.

“I didn’t look into anybody in this investigation,” Romig said. “I did not do anything as a DEA Agent” regarding this case.

Prosecution rests

Friday 7 June 2024 15:47 , Ariana Baio

After four days of witness testimony, the prosecution has rested its case in-chief.

Court is taking a short break and then the defense will have the opportunity to call witnesses.

Defense makes motion for acquittal

Friday 7 June 2024 16:19 , Ariana Baio

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell has made an oral motion for acquittal, saying the charges against Hunter Biden are unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.

The motion will be filed later in the day.

Defense calls gun store employee to testify

Friday 7 June 2024 16:20 , Ariana Baio

The defense has called Jason Turner, an employee at Starquest Shooters who handled the background check portion of the ATF form.

Gun store employee says Biden’s form was missing information

Friday 7 June 2024 16:40 , Ariana Baio

Turner testifies that the ATF form Biden was required to fill out to purchase a firearm was missing information: his signature and an address.

Defense calls gun store owner to the stand

Friday 7 June 2024 17:00 , Ariana Baio

The defense now calls Ronald Palimere, the owner of the gun store, to the stand.

Gun store owner admits to okaying form

Friday 7 June 2024 17:14 , Ariana Baio

Palimere told defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, that he told the gun store employees it was ok to accept Hunter Biden’s passport as identification even though it did not have a current address.

“Were you trying to have the sale go in a hurry?” Lowell asked.

“I was trying to not hold the sale up,” Palimere said.

Defense calls Naomi Biden

Friday 7 June 2024 17:14 , Ariana Baio

The defense has now called Naomi Biden to the stand. She is Hunter Biden’s eldest daughter.

Naomi Biden says she visited her father in rehab

Friday 7 June 2024 17:19 , Ariana Baio

Naomi Biden testified that she visited her father, Hunter Biden, while he was in a rehabilitation facility in California in August 2018 – two months before he purchased the firearm.

She told jurors she met him and his sober coach at a coffee shop. She told her father she was “proud” of him.

Hunter gets emotional watching Naomi, report says

Friday 7 June 2024 17:42 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden stared intently at his daughter, Naomi Biden, as she testified on Friday – at one point wiping away tears, according to NBC News.

Naomi, Hunter’s eldest daughter, said her dad seemed “hopeful” in October 2018 when she visited him at a rehabilitation facility in California. She told jurors she was aware of her father’s drug addiction but had never seen him use drugs.

She testified that her father’s drug use “got bad” after her uncle, Beau Biden, died in 2015.

Court adjourns for lunch

Friday 7 June 2024 17:50 , Ariana Baio

Court has adjourned for lunch.

Prosecution shows emotional texts between Hunter and Naomi

Friday 7 June 2024 18:14 , Ariana Baio, Gustaf Kilander

During cross-examination, prosecutors showed a series of highly emotional texts between Naomi Biden and her father, Hunter Biden, in October 2018 – when Hunter bought the firearm.

At the time, Naomi was trying to coordinate a time to meet her father while he was in New York City. She reached out on multiple occasions with no response.

“I’m really sorry dad I can’t take this. I miss you so much and I just want to hang out with you,” Naomi texted him on October 23, 2018.

Hunter replied, “I’m really sorry I’ve been so unreachable it’s unfair to you.”

While jurors saw the text messages, Hunter appeared agitated, leaning to speak with his lawyer, Abbe Lowell.

Gustaf Kilander is reporting from Wilmington, Delaware

Biden family gets emotional listening to Naomi testify

Friday 7 June 2024 18:15 , Ariana Baio, Gustaf Kilander

Members of the Biden family became visibly emotional as Naomi Biden, Hunter’s eldest daughter, testified on Friday about her father’s drug use in 2018.

First Lady Jill Biden watched her granddaughter intently give testimony, wiping away tears. Valerie Owens Biden – Joe Biden’s sister – also got emotional.

Naomi spoke about visiting her father in rehab and how she knew about his drug addiction. She recounted how between 2015 and 2018 she rarely saw her father.

At the defense table, Hunter watched his daughter with a tearful but stoic expression, occasionally looking down to wipe away a tear from his eye.

Gustaf Kilander is reporting from Wilmington, Delaware

Naomi Biden hugs her father, Hunter, as she departs from court

Friday 7 June 2024 18:40 , Ariana Baio, Gustaf Kilander

As court adjourned for lunch, Naomi Biden met her father, Hunter Biden, in the hallway to exchange a hug and kiss.

The eldest of Hunter’s children wiped away a tear while standing with her husband, Peter Neal.

Gustaf Kilander is reporting from Wilmington, Delaware

Court adjourns for the day

Friday 7 June 2024 18:59 , Ariana Baio

The jury has been sent home and court has adjourned for the day.

Proceedings will continue on Monday.

Hunter Biden and family depart from court

Friday 7 June 2024 19:27 , Ariana Baio

Hunter Biden departs from federal court with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
Hunter Biden departs from federal court with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
First lady Jill Biden departs from federal court Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
First lady Jill Biden departs from federal court Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
Ashley Biden departs from federal court, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
Ashley Biden departs from federal court, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
Valerie Biden departs from federal court, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)
Valerie Biden departs from federal court, Friday, June 7, 2024, in Wilmington, Del. (AP)

Defense will consider one more witnesses

Friday 7 June 2024 19:50 , Ariana Baio

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, said they will consider whether or not to introduce one more witness over the weekend.

That witness is believed to be Hunter Biden himself.

Despite rumors that James Biden, Hunter’s uncle, could be testifying, it appears he will not be.

Who’s who in the Hunter Biden trial

Friday 7 June 2024 20:21 , Ariana Baio

The trial began on Monday at the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware where a cast of characters testified about Hunter’s prior drug use and possession of the firearm.

Among those who testified are three of Hunter’s former romantic partners: his ex-wife; his ex-girlfriend; and his sister-in-law-turned-lover.

Read more here:

The ex, the wife and the widow: Who’s who in the Hunter Biden trial

Witness become agitated with defense attorney

Friday 7 June 2024 21:00 , Ariana Baio

While on the stand today, Jason Turner – the employee of the gun shop – vocalized obvious agitation with Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s defense attorney.

Lowell was trying to get Turner to explain the 16-minute gap between Biden filling out the ATF gun form and the final filing.

After several back-and-forths, Turner shot back at Lowell, “I write slow.”

Hallie Biden testifies about complicated relationship with Hunter

Friday 7 June 2024 21:30 , Ariana Baio

Hallie, the widow of Hunter’s brother Beau Biden, testified that she has known Hunter since middle school, adding that their relationship began in late 2015 or early 2016 following the death of her husband.

She agreed it was sometimes “intense” but always “complicated.”

Gustaf Kilander reports:

Hallie Biden testifies about complicated relationship with Hunter in gun trial

Who testified for the prosecution?

Friday 7 June 2024 22:00 , Ariana Baio

Erika Jensen, an FBI agent assigned to Biden’s case testified first. She told jurors she used Biden’s memoir and data recovered on his laptop to gather evidence about Biden’s drug use.

Kathleen Buhle, Biden’s ex-wife, testified briefly about Biden’s drug use during their marriage from 2015 until 2017. She told jurors she found drugs or drug paraphernalia in his car on multiple occasions including in 2018.

Zoe Kestan, Biden’s ex-girlfriend, testified about partying with Biden and witnessing him use crack cocaine “every 20 minutes or so” while he was in the throws of addiction.

Hallie Biden, Biden’s sister-in-law and ex-girlfriend, testified about finding the firearm in Biden’s car and his drug use. Hallie told jurors she discarded the handgun in a grocery store garbage bin after finding it out of fear Biden or her children would hurt themselves. She also told jurors she saw Biden use crack cocaine throughout 2018.

Gordon Cleveland, the former gun store employee who sold Biden his firearm testified about Biden filling out the ATF form.

Joshua Marley, a Delaware State Police Department officer, spoke about responding to the call that Biden’s firearm was missing.

Millard Greer, a former investigative with the Delaware Department of Justice, testified about finding the firearm at an elderly man’s home after reviewing security footage.

Edward Banner, the man who discovered the gun in the trash, spoke about his experience.

Jason Brewer, a forensic chemist, testified that he found cocaine residue on the pouch the handgun was found in.

Joshua Romig, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent, confirmed some of the language Biden used while texting people was consistent with drug deals.