How to Wild Rift: Objective Control and how to win teamfights

How to Wild Rift: Objective Control and how to win teamfights at Dragon and Rift (Images: Riot Games)
How to Wild Rift: Objective Control and how to win teamfights at Dragon and Rift (Images: Riot Games)

The "How to" series is aimed at players who enjoy competitive gaming and are looking to improve their experience, whether through gameplay tips or advice. The information is provided at the time of publishing, and does not account for changes to the game or meta over a longer period of time.

Have you had one of those times in League of Legends: Wild Rift where you're first at the objective, with stronger items and champions, but still lose the teamfight?

Well, there's a reason that might have happened, but don't worry, we've got your back! Here's a guide to help you understand how you can better control the objective area to prevent that from happening.

First of all, let's take a look at the objective area and mark off key areas where you should be controlling.

(Images: Riot Games)
(Images: Riot Games)
(Images: Riot Games)
(Images: Riot Games)

Areas A, B, and C are ramps that enemies have to pass through to enter the river to contest the objective.

These are also known as 'choke points' which are the areas where it is easiest to catch multiple enemies at the same time.

These places are the best to utilise your wombo combos to get your montage five man Yasuo Ult teamfight.

Holding the choke points is crucial to preventing enemies from entering the river, or finding key opportunities to have a game-winning initiation.

Next, look at bushes 1, 2, 3, and 4. These are key areas for engage champions to camp in to look for an optimal engage whilst being unseen in the fog of war.

Camping in these bushes is a staple play in high-level professional play in League of Legends PC, and naturally carries over to the Wild Rift mobile port.

Here's an example of a team controlling these areas in a real professional game and capitalising on the enemy's mistake.

In game 4 of SEM9 vs XD we see Winter and Sagi camping in bush 2, also known as the banana bush.

They've already swept the bush with their scanner trinket and know that there's no vision for the enemy team, and that if they'd want to rotate to the mid lane in the fastest way, they will need to pass by that bush.

SEM9 vs XD screenshot (Screenshot: Riot Games)
SEM9 vs XD screenshot (Screenshot: Riot Games)

SSK gets caught in this rotation and is chunked for a large portion of his HP. After a slow back and forth teamfight, OzoraVeki is able to come in and clean up all the members on team XD.

This shows how the initial catch that allowed for SEM9 to gain a health advantage over XD putting them in a position to punish team XD for trying to teamfight them despite being almost one member down.

SEM9 vs XD screenshot (Screenshot: Riot Games)
SEM9 vs XD screenshot (Screenshot: Riot Games)
SEM9 vs XD screenshot (Screenshot: Riot Games)
SEM9 vs XD screenshot (Screenshot: Riot Games)

This is how versatile controlling key areas and bushes can be, not just for objectives but for the game in general.

Being able to control these areas and engage onto the enemy first will usually result in a free kill or a good teamfight position which will help your team convert into a free objective.

Let us know if you've made use of these tips to your advantage in your next Wild Rift game!

Glaceox is a Singaporean Wild Rift coach with five years of coaching experience spanning across League of Legends PC as well. He also streams and makes community guides for Wild Rift.

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