Your Horoscope for the Week of October 29
Overview: Tricks and treats are on the menu this week! But first, if you’re feeling exhausted thanks to the end of eclipse season, give yourself permission to rest. On Halloween, Venus’s trine to Uranus gives both surprise and sweetness where we want it. On Friday, Venus’s opposition to Neptune inspires a reimagining of ideas and choices in relationships and romance. On Sunday, Saturn Retrograde—which began on June 17—finally ends, which can help us implement the wisdom we’ve learned since then.
Read your Sun/Rising horoscope
It’s the little things, Aries! Halloween’s Venus-Uranus trine helps you notice how the small things become the big things when it comes to romantic relationships. On Friday, a powerful Venus-Neptune opposition inspires you to leverage relationships as healing opportunities. Saturn moves direct in your Pisces-ruled closure zone on Sunday, helping you implement completion where you need it.
Express yourself, Taurus! A Venus-Uranus trine on Halloween helps you share what’s on your mind and heart with people who need to hear it. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition wants you to balance belonging to yourself and belonging with friends in a strong harmony. Saturn moves direct in your Pisces-ruled community zone on Sunday, strengthening your bonds with your most meaningful people.
You’re in the clear, Gemini. Halloween’s Venus-Uranus trine completes a tough romantic chapter for you and helps you find freedom. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition helps you find the skills you need to create happier relationships. Saturn moves direct in your Pisces-ruled career zone on Sunday, returning not just your ambition but your professional momentum.
A conversation can change everything, Cancer. Halloween’s Venus-Uranus trine inspires you to chat with your friends about how you can support each other. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition helps you hold the big and small pictures for success. Saturn Retrograde finally ends in your Pisces-ruled wisdom zone on Sunday, motivating you to apply the lessons for integrity’s sake.
What are your values, Leo? Halloween’s Venus-Uranus trine gives you a chance for professional success as you identify and implement your values. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition wants you to listen to the wisdom of your body. Saturn Retrograde ends on Sunday in your Pisces-ruled embodiment zone, helping you align your behaviors with your beliefs and emotions.
Think again, Virgo! A Venus-Uranus trine on Halloween inspires you to reimagine a value and/or relationship in more hopeful, optimistic ways. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition has an attractive (and possibly annoying) opposites-attract style chemistry. Saturn Retrograde ends on Sunday in your Pisces-ruled romance zone, moving you forward to the relationships you deserve.
Intimacy issues, Libra? A truth-seeking Venus-Uranus trine on Halloween helps you unearth a helpful idea that deepens your relationships. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition helps you take a small step forward to surrender the past. Saturn Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled wellbeing zone on Sunday, motivating you to commit to small goals for success.
Friend, lover, or both Scorpio? Halloween’s Venus-Uranus trine intentionally blurs the lines so that you can integrate the best of friendship and romance. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition inspires you to connect to yourself by connecting to something bigger than yourself. Saturn Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled worthiness zone on Sunday, helping you align your choices with greater confidence.
Connections AND competence, Sag! Halloween’s Venus-Uranus trine provides career progression through your skills and social support. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition helps you balance life and work, the personal and the professional. Saturn Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled emotional zone on Sunday, inspiring you to name and normalize all your feels for wellbeing.
Vulnerability is a strength, Capricorn. A Venus-Uranus trine on Halloween helps you acquire confidence and strength after you’re vulnerable. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition helps you put a theory or idea into a practice. Saturn Retrograde ends in your Pisces-ruled communication zone on Sunday, increasing your fluency in nonverbal languages like tone, energy, and body language.
What’s your truth, Aquarius? A Venus-Uranus trine on Halloween helps you dispel the stereotype of emotionally detached by showing your emotional truth to others. Friday’s Venus-Neptune opposition turns up the sexual heat because you've been speaking your truth, which is a turn-on. Saturn Retrograde ends in Pisces on Sunday, giving you the groundedness you’ve been longing for.
Your Horoscope for the Week of October 22
Bring language to love, Pisces. A Venus-Uranus trine on Halloween inspires you to communicate your feelings as a bridge for romantic connection. Friday’s Venus-Neptune trine helps you to hold difference in a way that helps you grow and reinforce your strengths, too. Saturn Retrograde ends in your sign on Sunday, motivating you to implement the wisdom you’ve integrated since last March.
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