Your Horoscope for the Week of December 24

Your Horoscope for the Week of December 24Hearst Owned

The grand finale of 2023 is here! Up first, we have the Full Moon in Cancer on Tuesday helping us align our feelings with behavior. On the same day, Chiron—the asteroid known as the wounded healer—stations direct, inspiring us to move forward courageously into the unknown. On Friday, Venus enters freedom-loving Sagittarius, providing more distance in relationship for desire and chemistry’s sake. Lastly, Jupiter ends its retrograde on Saturday and allows us to work on our financial goals.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Feel it to heal it, Aries! Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer helps you feel your emotions around home and family as you approach the New Year. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday, attracting you to people and places that are different from what you're usually drawn to. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and motivates you to put your values from abstract to action for success!


It’s safe to speak, Taurus. Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer supports you bravely intiating a tough conversation for clarity and connection. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and takes your relationships to deeper, more intimate places with people you trust. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday in your sign and inspires you to take a big leap for amazing changes.


The body talks too, Gemini. Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer helps you listen to the wisdom of your body for communication around what to approach versus avoid. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and puts passionate opposites-attract relationships in your orbit. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and moves you forward towards closure and healing through a spiritual practice.


Time to shine, Cancer! Tuesday’s Full Moon in your sign wants you to claim your power by owning your strengths for love, compassion, generosity, care, and empathy. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and highlights mindfulness as a key skill for successful relationships. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and reunites you with the friends you’ve been missing.


All things come to an end, Leo. Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer reminds you that closure is a necessary and sometimes painful but healing threshold that we all cross. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and attracts relationships that help you cultivate greater confidence and courage. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and supports your career if you apply the new learnings you’re holding.


Who but you, Virgo? Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer reminds you that your friends see you as a leader, and they’re looking to you for guidance and direction in these tricky times. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and magnetizes relationships that cultivate emotional safety and care. Jupiter moves direct on Saturday and takes you to new spaces for learning and travel!


Listen to your heart, Libra! Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer teaches you that your emotions are instructive for a professional goal you’re trying to accomplish. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and puts mental chemistry in the equation for love and dating. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and supports you valuing more intimacy in your relationships.


Have hope again, Scorpio. Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer wants you to take a trust fall into the unknown and meet a braver, bolder, more courageous version of yourself. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and harmonizes your relationship with finances and embodiment in healing ways. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and opens up new opportunities for love, romance, and belonging!


What’s trust to you, Sagittarius? Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer inspires you to carefully learn who you trust and why. Venus enters your sign on Friday and elevates your relationship to beauty, romance, and money. Enjoy and appreciate it all! Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and motivates you to take small steps cumulatively over time to achieve new habit formation for health.


Happy birthday, Capricorn! Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer invites a new romance, strengthens one you're in, and/or transitions one that's ready to end so you can grow. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and supports you healing from pain, patterns, and people from the past. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and inspires you to bravely share more courageously about yourself to those who need to hear it.


Small steps only, Aquarius. Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer helps you crawl before sprinting so you can achieve the results you're longing for. Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and intentionally blurs the lines between lover and friend for the best of both. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and puts good luck into your search for home, family, and belonging.


You’re worthy, Pisces! Tuesday’s Full Moon in Cancer reminds you that you’re already worthy of love and joy, right now! Venus enters Sagittarius on Friday and harmonizes your professional relationships so you can succeed in big ways. Jupiter Retrograde ends on Saturday and smooths out miscommunications so you can have clarity and greater connection again.

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