Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Gemini Is Here

full moon in sagittarius
Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in GeminiGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go. November’s Full Moon in Gemini is an astrological hint to reminisce about how much you’ve grown. Following Western astrology, these new and complete Moon guides are monthly reminders to set and review your intentions– your horoscope is a rudimentary prompt for self-reflection.

Growing up, my family was sure to tell us youth that we have two eyes, two ears, and one mouth. Truthfully, the expression went over my head like a child’s lost balloon landing splattered and disassembled, far from my view. As a teenager, I was unable to fully appreciate where my elders were coming from. Anatomical reminders to shut up felt too much like "Children are to be seen and not heard"—an expression that, to this day, my values disagree with, mainly because we can learn so much from the youth.

But as an adult nearing her Saturn Return, I have grown to appreciate silence and biting my tongue. I recognize that sometimes there is no need for strong opinions to be heard. Who gave you or me the authority, and even with the authority, do we have enough context? Sometimes the best strategy is to gain more knowledge—like by asking questions in order to make sense of the complications of reality. Observation is not about muting our voices, but about understanding that we don't always have the full context to weigh in with authority. Despite its abilities to taste and touch, the mouth doesn't possess the faculties of sight and hearing. There's wisdom to be found in listening, observing, and asking questions to unravel the complexities of our world.


On November 27, 2023 at 4:16 a.m. Eastern Time, the curious Full Moon in Gemini will light up the sky. It opposes the Sun, which is enjoying its stay in the philosophical domain of Sagittarius. Emotions may run high when you sense that there is something wrong, however, you may find that lashing out accomplishes nothing. Sometimes the truest insights come not from speaking but from active listening, observing, and questioning—tools that help us navigate the intricate maze of reality.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to nurture your inner child. If you find your horoscope helpful, please share it and tag me on social media @MonishaHolmes.

Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Gemini


Aries, sweetie, it’s time to develop new ways of thinking. The way you jump to conclusions no longer works the way it used to. The universe is challenging you to grow and evolve, which is supposed to feel hard. You likely recognize what you need to let go of, and if you’re confused, take a minute to meditate during your next lunch break. The decisions you make today characterize who you will be tomorrow.


Taurus, what does respect mean to you? If it includes devaluing others by neglecting to observe their needs, then you’re a little short-sighted. Sure, people may not communicate their expectations and boundaries and that can cause confusion—however, it is still your problem. Now is a great time to stand by and observe what is needed from you. When in doubt, ask and actively listen.


Gemini, focus a little less on you and start paying attention to your friends! How you see yourself is getting in the way of your ability to show up for others. You may think that people are going to speak up about what they want, but chances are that they are hoping you pay attention so they don't need to. Take a moment to put yourself into other people’s shoes and consider that what is fair to you might not be equitable for them.


Cancer, follow your will to live! People succeed when they recognize that each breath they take is a reminder that they are survivors. Do yourself justice by tending to your needs! Book that appointment, go to the gym, read a page in your self-help book! The work you do on yourself is how you express self-love. Actively actualize your thoughts!


Leo, play around in a new sandbox. Take a risk by going into a different community to engage in your favorite activity. Getting fixed in the same routine with familiar faces is great for self-actualization, but for introspection and discovery, you need to take a journey away from your typical path. You might find your next big source of inspiration, or at least a new lunch spot!


Virgo, clean your home. I’m sure some of you are on top of your at-home to-do list, but a lot of you are neglecting your personal space. Throwing yourself into your career to avoid your emotions isn’t the move! Set some boundaries with your boss and stop making your workplace duties your main priority. Getting yourself in order can actually be a pathway to career advancement. Chances are your feelings are spilling all over your standing desk.


Libra, tap into your inner child and be the person you need for yourself! Libra, you can be such a nonchalant bleeding heart, showing care and overextension for people who are unable to return your affection. Instead of stewing in resentment, it is entirely up to you to give yourself the care you express to others. “No” is a full sentence, and “I can't right now” is a perfectly reasonable excuse.


Scorpio, instead of playing by other people’s rulebooks, it’s time for you to lay down the law. Fleeing to the underworld won’t keep you from your surface world responsibilities. Investing time in your interests requires occasionally being the bad guy. As much as you might want to show up for your loved ones, it’s time for you to choose yourself.


Sagittarius, you get to prioritize you, babe. Please flush your desire to accommodate others down the drain. This is your time and you should unapologetically do right by yourself. Book that vacation, take yourself to the spa, do something that honors your feelings! Some of you may want to show up for your friends, however, this Full Moon is all about you letting them show up for themselves.


Capricorn, being heard and taken seriously might have always been somewhat of a challenge, which in turn may have taught you to laugh off your nervousness, try not to take yourself too seriously, or intellectualize your discomfort. You may find it is tough to make yourself understood, however your past is not a reason to dismiss your feelings. Spend this week reminiscing on the under-met needs of your inner child.


Aquarius, get away from the drawing board and start bringing your preexisting ideas to life. Lip service is necessary to get the crowd going, but you’ve already filled people in. Start gathering up your teammates, acquaintances, and pals and see what’s next. Setting goals and making progress is exactly what you need in order to make it to the next level. You might be struggling with self-doubt, but try to give your current ideas a bit more credit!


Pisces, because you aren’t where you want to be, you might undermine where you actually are. Please, for the love of your self esteem, avoid comparing yourself to others! It’s not about what your parents did, or what your childhood besties are doing. You are your own person and you have the ability to celebrate yourself, regardless of what those around you are doing. As you begin to see the results of your labor, take many moments to appreciate your growth.

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