Homes Washed Away, 'Lives Lost' in Mudflow as Cyclone Hits Malawi

Tropical Cyclone Freddy, a deadly, long-lived storm which hit Malawi for a second time on Sunday, March 12, caused damaging mudslides in Blantyre on Monday, footage from IFRC Africa shows.

IFRC Africa said homes were washed away, lives lost, and “many people” were missing.

The storm killed at least 111 people in Malawi and displaced thousands, UNICEF Malawi said on Tuesday.

The city of Blantyre has been especially affected, with Tropical Cyclone Freddy already causing damage on Monday night.

The storm was expected to continue to affect Malawi until Wednesday evening.

The World Meteorological Organization said it appeared Freddy had set a new record for longevity, having been a named storm for 37 days, but that it was continuing to evaluate the situation Credit: Malawi Red Cross Society via Storyful