Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here
Overview: Opposites attract and optimism prevails! Venus enters balancing Libra on Wednesday and stays there until December 4, helping us find chemistry and connection through differences. Then Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and stays there until December 1, reminding us of how much optimism can help us in hard times.
Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:
Opposites do attract, Aries! Venus enters your Libra-ruled relationship sector on Wednesday, helping you see the value of the tension of opposites and how chemistry is born in difference. Mercury enters wisdom-seeking Sagittarius on Friday, motivating you to expand your horizons through the direct experience. Think: Travel, wisdom, and/or returning to school.
It’s the little things, often, Taurus. Venus enters your Libra-ruled attention-to-detail zone on Wednesday, strengthening your romantic relationships by helping you build them in small ways over time. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and inspires you to think differently and optimistically about self-talk, intimacy, and eroticism.
What’s on your heart, Gemini? Venus enters your Libra-ruled emotional exposure sector on Wednesday, inspiring you to vulnerably communicate your emotions as a strategy for success. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and wants you to balance your desires in harmony with the desires of others. This will strengthen your negotiation and diplomacy skills. Win/win!
Housekeeping, Cancer! Venus enters your Libra-ruled “home” zone—your favorite!—on Wednesday and wants you to tend to your personal admin as a path for inner peace and stability. This will also help attract relationships that feel like home. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and helps you achieve a big goal by focusing on small wins for momentum.
It’s all about how you say it, Leo. Venus enters your Libra-ruled communication sector on Wednesday, reminding you to speak compassionately and clearly so that you’re understood and staying connected to the people you care about. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and provides cognitive habits that help you work on comparison, confidence, and strength
Listen to your body, Virgo. Venus enters your Libra-ruled embodiment zone on Wednesday, inspiring you to prioritize the physical and mental in equal measure so you can understand a situation clearly. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and helps you communicate what you’re feeling a bit faster and more specifically for greater wellbeing.
Relationship reset, Libra! Venus enters your sign on Wednesday and gives you all the blessings in your relationship with yourself and your relationships with others. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and inspires you to speak with directness and clarity while still staying true to your diplomatic and considerate nature.
Happy birthday, Scorpio! Venus enters your Libra-ruled closure sector on Wednesday and helps you heal from past patterns so you can stay in the present moment. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and levels up your financial literacy so you can have your money work for you and not the other way around.
Friend, lover, or both, Sag? Venus enters your Libra-ruled friendship zone on Wednesday and helps you experiment with connecting, not separating friendship and romance. Mercury enters your sign on Friday and gives you all the breakthroughs that help you go beyond problem-solving and find creative solutions.
Socialize while building your skills, Capricorn! Venus enters your Libra-ruled career sector on Wednesday and reminds you that your emotional intelligence can help you professionally. Mercury enters Sagittarius Friday and motivates you to lean on a spiritual practice to cultivate a stronger sense of mindfulness.
Think again, Aquarius. Venus enters your Libra-ruled philosophy zone on Wednesday and inspires you to rethink where you stand on a range of ideas, which can help you change any disempowering patterns you find yourself in. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and reconnects you with your friends so that you can gather and support each other with more joy.
Take it deeper, Pisces. Venus enters your Libra-ruled intimacy sector on Wednesday and helps you cultivate meaningful relationships through transparency, risk, uncertainty, and trust. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday and elevates your career to exciting new ways. Communicate your best-case scenario outcomes not just to yourself, but to others and the universe, too!
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