Harry Truman once called the White House a 'glamorous prison.' Here's what presidents and their families have said about living there.

President Barack Obama plays football with the family dog Bo on the South Lawn of the White House May 12, 2009
Presidents throughout the years have made the White House their home and reflected fondly on their time there long after their terms ended.Pete Souza/The White House/Getty Images
  • In 1800, presidents started living in the White House.

  • Harry S. Truman once called the White House a "glamorous prison."

  • Barack Obama has described how the residence had spotty WiFi that frustrated his daughters.

Arguably no residence in the United States is as famous as the White House.

Home to every president since John Adams in 1800, the White House has undergone many renovations throughout history that reflect the current owners' tastes. Multiple presidents have spoken about how they made the White House their home, whether that be by bringing four-legged friends into the residence or by having regular family dinners.

Here's what presidents and first family members have said about what it's like to live in the White House.

Calvin Coolidge, who served from 1923 until 1929, enjoyed spending time in the White House with man's best friend.

calvin coolidge white house
President Calvin Coolidge with the first lady and others on the White House lawn.Getty Images

"Any man who does not like dogs and want them about does not deserve to be in the White House," President Coolidge once remarked, according to the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation.

President Harry S. Truman referred to the White House as a "glamorous prison," and was criticized for wanting to add a balcony.

Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman on the White House grounds.Getty Images

Truman wanted to put his own touches on his own personal "prison," as he referred to it, according to the Los Angeles Times.

In March 1948, Truman replaced the original awnings overlooking the south lawn with a balcony in order to give him and his family another outdoor living space and a greater view of the surrounding city.

However, some politicians criticized the move, calling it an expensive attempt to ruin the look of the White House. In the end, the cost of the renovation was taken out of the existing presidential household budget, according to the White House Historical Association.

President Gerald R. Ford called the White House "the best public housing I've ever seen."

Gerald R. Ford
Gerald R. Ford and Betty Ford in 1947.Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone/Getty Images

The White House has six levels, 32 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, and 28 fireplaces.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Ford's wife, Betty Ford, once added of living in the White House, "You also feel very much that you are in that proverbial fishbowl everybody talks about."

John F. Kennedy's family later reflected on how much he enjoyed the gardens surrounding the White House.

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President John F Kennedy escorts Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands through White House Gardens during a state visit.George Silk/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

"Jack took both pride and interest in the rose garden. He wanted to know the varieties. He had ideas about the juxtaposition of colors, and if there were yellow leaves or other signs of distress he wanted to know what ought to be done and who would take care of it," Rose Kennedy wrote in her memoir, "Times to Remember."

"I must say I was a bit surprised, for I had never heard nor seen him demonstrate any interest in horticulture at home."

Nancy Reagan said living in the White House was like living in a fancy hotel.

Nancy and Ronald Reagan
Nancy and Ronald Reagan in their White House bedroom.Michael Evans/White House/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

"Every evening, while I took a bath, one of the maids would come by and remove my clothes for laundering or dry cleaning. The bed would always be turned down. Five minutes after Ronnie came home and hung up his suit, it would disappear from the closet to be pressed, cleaned, or brushed," the former first lady wrote in her memoir, "My Turn."

"No wonder Ron used to call the White House an eight-star hotel," she continued.

As a wartime president, President George W. Bush delegated much of the major White House interior-design decisions to his wife, Laura.

George W. Bush dogs
George W. Bush walks on the South Lawn with his dogs in 2006.MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

"George said he knew this was going to be a job of decisions, but he didn't realize he was going to have to make a decision on what kind of rug to have in the Oval Office," Laura Bush told Architectural Digest in 2008. "So he did what he thinks is the smart thing for a leader to do — he delegated it to me."

"George and I read in bed," Bush said of the bedroom's design, "and so we're very aware of having good lamps. And I also have a mother-in-law who stays now in these guest bedrooms and will be perfectly frank about what she would like in the rooms and what she wouldn't."

President Obama made time for family dinners while his family lived in the White House.

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President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, and daughters Sasha and Malia Obama in 2009.Annie Leibovitz/White House/Getty Images

"When we're in town here in Washington, in the evenings, 6:30 we want to be at the dinner table with our kids and I want to be helping with the homework," he said, according to the Obama Foundation.

However, President Obama also described the lack of reliable WiFi in the giant house and the many "dead spots" that "frustrated" his two daughters, Fortune reported in 2016.

Donald Trump described the lavish renovations he made to the dining room of the White House.

Trump White House
President Trump in front of the White House.Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images

"We found gold behind the walls, which I always knew. Renovations are grand," he told Time.

Trump also added a large flat-screen television and a crystal chandelier to the room, joking, "I made a contribution to the White House."

President Joe Biden has described the White House as a "gilded cage" and he's shared his unease at having household staff to do everyday tasks for him.

Joe Biden points to staff members from the South Lawn as he departs the White House on June 25, 2021
Joe Biden points to staff members from the South Lawn as he departs the White House on June 25, 2021.Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

"I get up in the morning and look at Jill and say, 'Where the hell are we?'" Biden remarked during his first few months as president.

"I don't know about you all, but I was raised in a way that you didn't look for anybody to wait on you," he said during a CNN town hall in February 2021, ABC News reported. "And it's where I find myself extremely self-conscious for wonderful people who work in the White House. But someone standing there and hands me my suit coat."

Read the original article on Business Insider