Half of single people over the age of 65 watch porn every day plus other sex secrets

Porn use is surprisingly prolific, says a new study. (Getty Images)
Porn use among other things is surprisingly prolific, says a new study. (Getty Images)

As many as 48% of those aged 65+ watch porn every day, according to a new study of single adults' sexual attitudes post-pandemic.

Overall, 41% of respondents watch porn daily, while 28% watch it on a weekly basis, found the survey of 2,000 UK-based, sexually active adults, who are not in a relationship.

Daily porn watching is especially prolific among those aged 18-24, at 53%, while 45-54-year-olds watch it the least, at 19%. The older age group (65+) were nearly on a par with the youngest.

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Person using phone porn. (Getty Images)
Strangely, the West Midlands seems to be a hot spot for porn use. (Getty Images)

The OnePoll findings commissioned by condom brand Trojan paint a picture of what people's sex lives are like on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic, now face-to-face dates are picking up again.

It seems we've still hung on to a few of the sexual habits developed during lockdown, especially when it comes to porn use.

Interestingly, location also seems to play a big part, with 54% of those who watch porn every day being from the West Midlands.

While there's always much discussion of how porn affects our attitudes towards sex, like creating unrealistic expectations or not portraying an equal balance of pleasure and power, there's a key positive from the research.

Some 65% are watching porn where condoms are being used, and 40% of these respondents felt influenced to use protection in real life as a result.

That said, there's still more progress to be made, with 58% thinking condom use in porn should be enforced to encourage others, but 25% felt impartial, and 15% disagreed entirely.

In terms of the knock-on effect, 45% of people who watch porn don't feel it impacts their sex lives positively or negatively, while 16% definitely see porn as having some kind of negative influence.

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Condoms and lube. (Getty Images)
Many are turning up the heat with sex toys, lubricant and condoms with special features. (Getty Images)

And though it seems condoms are more visible now than ever in the content people are viewing, many are split on the etiquette of them. Some 60% feel both parties should carry them, though nearly 50% of those 65+ believe it's the other person's responsibility.

Again, the East Midlands stood out as being 10% higher than elsewhere for believing it is a joint responsibility to carry protection.

When it comes to one-night stands, of the 70% who said they'd had one-nighters, just 4% said they had never used a condom. This type of casual sex happens fairly evenly across the age groups too, the research found.

But yet again, the East Midlands stood out with 77% saying they had had a one-night stand (who also put the most emphasis on only having safe sex), while the lowest percentage falls to 59% in Northern Ireland.

Regular condom usage happens the least in the north west at just 34%, while those using them the most are in the south east at 61%.

Worryingly, 41% of respondents have felt under pressure not to use a condom – rising to 71% of those over the age of 65 and 45% of those between 18-24, with the oldest and youngest groups standing out together again.

Moving on to sex toys, they're still just as popular since the pandemic, with 73% using them. It seems nearly 60% of those prefer to use them with partners (though mainly from the eldest age group).

Many also turn to them to 'spice things up', with around the same number opting specifically for sex toys and lubricant (30% and 31% respectively), and 20% using condoms with 'special features'.

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