Good News: Mercury Retrograde Is Finally Over
It’s finally over! The second Mercury Retrograde of the year has been an absolute whirlwind, but now it's over. Mercury is officially moving forward and the drama is starting to dissipate. It’s not all peaches and cream yet, though, because we’re still dealing with the retrograde's post-shadow period, and things won’t be completely back to normal until Mercury leaves Leo and zooms back into Virgo, its favorite sign, in September.
Mercury is the planet of communication and information, and it’s also the brainiest planet. When it's retrograde, you misspeak, miscommunications are likely to happen, and your mental faculties just aren’t working as well as usual—you doing less thinking and more remembering and reminiscing. Right before Mercury Retrograde ends, it is as far away as possible from the Sun, realizations and ideas start to dawn on you. You learn from past mistakes, recognize how your past affects your present, and make the best of your situation.
As you start to feel Mercury’s direct motion again, your mindset shifts and your brain feels like it’s finally awake again. Now that you’re clear-headed, take a look back at your retrograde journey. Who from your past did you connect with? What old jobs or projects became relevant again? What dire circumstances or significant experiences did you have to deal with? Mercury Retrograde activates your subconscious mind, but now that it's over, you’re able to look at all that’s occurred and process it on a conscious level.
However, there's something else to consider: Mercury is in Leo right now, and isn’t completely at home in this sign. In fact, Mercury in Leo is giving you a very self-focused mindset, no matter your zodiac sign. While you could let this make you self conscious and blame yourself for all the problems you faced, a better way to use Mercury in Leo’s vibes is to identify ways to hold yourself accountable for how you behave and connect with others. Pay attention to how much you speak vs. how much you listen in conversations, assess how open-minded you are to new information, and be real with yourself—you’ve learned that there are several places you can improve, and it’s up to you to do so.
Mark your cal for September 7: This is a tough day because Mercury faces a tough square with Uranus. There's big argument energy and surprise news is sure to make its way to you. Instead of letting Mercury in Leo’s vibe escalate things into a fight, take a deep breath and say, “Y’know what? Only I can control how I react to these things. Let me make sure I’m reacting in the most appropriate way.” Mercury zooms into Virgo, its favorite sign, on September 9, and that’s when you can finally feel like things are going back to normal. The retrograde is over, but there’s just a little bit more to do on your retrograde journey before all is well again—but it will all be well again. Good luck!
Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes for your post-retrograde vibe:
Feelings of insecurity and self-doubt were hitting you hard during Mercury Retrograde, but you’re finally finding your confidence again. Right now, you’re finding more opportunities to express yourself and have fun. You’re more energized, you’re more creative, and you’re more eager to share yourself with others. Understand that by being genuine, you’re able to be your best self, and you’ll be able to contribute yourself, your thoughts, and your ideas to others and achieve great success.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo was an emotional time for you. You probably connected with plenty of people you have history with, especially family members. You’ve been somewhat forced to go back to your roots, but it was all to help you understand where you come from and how it’s affected the person you are today. Hopefully, you’re now able to view the past few weeks as a necessary trip down memory lane and you have a better sense of self. Now, you’re more self-assured, you have a stronger sense of identity, and Mercury’s entry into Virgo on September 9 all but guarantees that you’ll be having a really great end to your summer.
Missed calls, typo-ridden messages, and unanswered texts plagued you during Mercury Retrograde, and you’re finally getting back to life as usual. Those ignored messages are finally getting answered (even if you were the one ignoring them), life at work is feeling easier, and your constant lateness is becoming a thing of the past. You really deserve a break, Gemini, and starting on September 9, Mercury in Virgo is helping you spend lots of time at home getting some much needed R&R.
You’ve been struggling with finances, but Mercury Retrograde helped teach you (hopefully not the hard way) that there are better ways to invest your cash—and your time, your energy, your emotions! Now that your priorities are clear, you’re able to move forward knowing that you’re spending time, energy, and money where it’s worth being spent, and push to the side anything or anyone that doesn’t value you as much as you value them.
You felt super self-conscious when Mercury Retrograde was moving your sign, and now that Mercury has stationed direct, you’re way less hard on yourself. You’re realizing, “Hey, I’m actually the shit!” and I encourage you to start acting like it! You’re so valuable to so many people, and they really want to hear what you have to say Who cares if the words don’t come out right or if you misspeak—it’s not the end of the world! You have a stronger sense of self now, so step back into life with your best foot forward.
You’ve dealt with tons of exes this retrograde and they’re finally getting out of your hair! All of these connections from the past have been (maybe painfully) reminding you of old, negative emotions and toxic past relationships, and you’re learning that you have a few self-defeating habits when it comes to expressing yourself. Don’t shut yourself down and keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Don’t let other people walk all over you. Find your autonomy, embrace your power, say what you want, and understand that you have tons to contribute. You’re an amazing individual who doesn’t need anyone else to feel strong and secure. You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re insightful, and you deserve only the best from others.
There’s been some drama in your social circle lately: People are fighting and talking behind each other's backs, and you’ve been feeling lots of madness, chaos, and confusion. Well, the dust is finally settling, and you’re now confident that you know your true friends and the people you need to cut off—and yes, you need to cut off some people. The holes in your squad might leave you feeling lonelier than usual right now, but don’t fret. You’ll fill those empty spaces with new friends who are way better than the old ones.
You’ve been feeling the pressure at work lately. Your boss won’t get off your back and every time you’ve gotten close to finishing a job, something popped up and created an obstacle. Now, you're putting the final touches on your project, fixing all of the details, and preparing to deliver amazing results! Once Mercury leaves Leo and enters Virgo on September 9, life on the job becomes way less hectic, and you’re getting some time to focus on having fun with your friends.
A lot of the trouble that Mercury Retrograde caused took place in your chart’s zone of travel, so you’ve been missing trains, dealing with car trouble, and forgetting your schedule. By now, you’ve hopefully learned how to be more prepared, leave places early, and keep track of your schedule, so things are running smoothly now. Unfortunately, you’re not getting much of a break, because Mercury in Virgo turns your focus towards work, work, and more work. Your boss is keeping a very close eye on you, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing—all of the good work you do now can earn you very nice rewards!
The past few weeks have had you turning inwards and becoming more familiar with your deepest emotions. It’s been a real struggle, especially because y’all earth signs aren’t super comfortable when dealing with feelings! But you’re coming out on the other side of Mercury Retrograde with a better understanding of yourself, your emotions, and how you operate in your relationships. Mercury entering Virgo will be a very freeing transit for you full of tons of fun. P.S.: An opportunity to travel is coming your way soon!
During Mercury Retrograde, you had to relearn how to connect with other people. You’ve learned to be a better listener, you’re better at making new friends—even those who aren’t your usual type. Most of all, you’ve developed a deeper understanding of the types of relationships you want and the kind of person you want to have relationships with. Now that the retrograde is over, it’s a good time to DTR or upgrade your relationship. Mercury scooting into Virgo on September 9 activates a very intimate part of your chart, so if you lock down a relationship now, you’re able to dive deep with them, become entangled, and form a meaningful emotional connection.
During Mercury Retrograde, you did a ton of self-work—major emphasis on the “work” part—and hopefully you’re living a more efficient lifestyle. It’s a great time to kick bad habits, whether it’s biting your nails, smoking, or drinking too much, because Mercury’s remaining time in Leo wants you to be, above all else, healthy and productive! Now that you’re able to be the best version of yourself, Mercury in Virgo starting September 9 is helping you bring your full to your relationships. This will help your friendships, partnerships, and romantic relationships thrive more than ever!
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