Glintstone Nails Are The Best Sorcery In Shadow Of The Erdtree

Screenshot: FromSoftware / Kotaku
Screenshot: FromSoftware / Kotaku

Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails are Sorceries that can be purchased exclusively in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. These similar spells are some of the best Sorceries in the game and very much worth seeking out. One fires a single glintstone nail for a low FP cost, while the other fires multiple glintstone nails for a higher FP cost. Because they complement one another so well, they’re fantastic choices to keep equipped together at all times.

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Here’s what you need to know about the Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails Sorceries and where to find them.

Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails stats and features

The Glintstone Nail Sorcery takes 1 Memory Slot, costs 10 FP per use, and requires 18 Intelligence to cast.


This Sorcery fires a single glintstone nail that does great damage when using proper equipment built around Sorcery spells. It’s easily among the best Sorcery spells in the game for dealing consistent damage due to its fast cast time, solid damage, and low FP cost.

The Glintstone Nails Sorcery takes 1 Memory Slot, costs 23 FP per use, and requires 32 Intelligence to cast.

This Sorcery fires multiple shattering glintstone nails that deal high damage to enemies, especially when paired with good Sorcery-focused equipment. Though it costs a lot more FP than its single-fire brother, it also deals a worthwhile amount of additional damage that makes it great for first casts or any situation wherein you have the extra FP and time to cast it.

Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails’ item description

Glintstone Nail’s item description reads:

Glintstone sorcery of Count Ymir, High Priest. One of the finger sorceries said to have been discovered in a hallowed ruin.

Flings a magic nail that crumbles during flight. Charging increases potency.

Count Ymir boasts that this is mere child’s play, an echo of a greater truth.


Glintstone Nails’ item description reads:

Glintstone sorcery of Count Ymir, High Priest. One of the finger sorceries said to have been discovered in a hallowed ruin.

Flings multiple magic nails that crumble during flight. Charging increases potency.

Count Ymir boasts that this is mere child’s play, an echo of a greater truth.

Where to find Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails

You can purchase Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails from Count Ymir at the Cathedral of Manus Meyr in Scadu Altus for 12,000 Runes each. However, he will not sell these spells until you’ve completed the first step of his side quest.

Screenshot: FromSoftware / Kotaku
Screenshot: FromSoftware / Kotaku

Talk to Count Ymir to receive the Ruins Map and Hole-Laden Necklace. This necklace has to be taken to the Finger Ruins of Rhia, which you can find in the southern area of the Southern Shore region.


Starting from the Finger Ruins of Rhia Site of Grace, head into the depths of the finger ruins toward the large finger bell surrounded by even larger fingers. When interacting with this bell, you’ll receive a Crimson Seed Talisman +1 (this boosts your healing flask’s effectiveness). Afterward, return to Count Ymir.

Screenshot: FromSoftware / Kotaku
Screenshot: FromSoftware / Kotaku

When you talk to Count Ymir again, he’ll offer you another Ruins Map and the Beloved Stardust Talisman. Additionally, you’ll now be able to purchase some new spells from him, including Glintstone Nail and Glintstone Nails.

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