Genshin Impact version 4.6: Who should you farm the new Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy and Unfinished Reverie artifact sets for?

The Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy is designed around the Bond of Life mechanic while the Unfinished Reverie is built for the Burning elemental reaction.

Genshin Impact version 4.6 features two new artifact sets in the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy and Unfinished Reverie sets. Here's who you should farm them for. (Photos: HoYoverse)
Genshin Impact version 4.6 features two new artifact sets in the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy and Unfinished Reverie sets. Here's who you should farm them for. (Photos: HoYoverse)

While all eyes are rightfully on the long-awaited playable character debut of the Fatui Harbinger Arlecchino in Genshin Impact version 4.6, this most recent update also lets players bolster their inventory of relics with two new sets: the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy and Unfinished Reverie.

But the question is, should you farm these two new artifact sets and who should you get them for? Well, don't fret and read on as we break everything down:

  • 2-piece bonus: +18% ATK

  • 4-piece bonus: When the value of a Bond of Life increases or decreases, this character deals 18% increased DMG for 6 seconds. Max 3 stacks.


The Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy set is the first artifact set in the game that makes use of the 'Bond of Life' mechanic. If you don't know what Bond of Life is, it absorbs healing for the character based on its base value and prevents the character from being healed, and clears after healing equal to its value is obtained.

Before version 4.6 was released, could only be applied by certain weapons and enemies. But with this latest update, Arlecchino became the first playable character in the game with the ability to apply a Bond of Life to herself, using it to empower her attacks and heal herself in battle.

Since Arlecchino is able to increase and decrease the amount of Bond of Life on herself at will, the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy's 4-piece bonus gives her a constant and massive 54% DMG bonus.

As you can probably guess, that makes the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy set Arlecchino's best-in-slot artifact set. The same should also apply for any future characters that make use of the Bond of Life mechanic.

But if you don't have Arlecchino, you can still make use of this set by equipping your characters with weapons that are able to apply a Bond of Life. These include the 5-star polearm Crimson Moon's Semblance, which is notably Arlecchino's signature, the 4-star sword Finale of the Deep, and the 4-star catalyst Flowing Purity.


Both Finale of the Deep and Flowing Purity notably can be acquired for free through forging, with the diagram needed to create them available from the Fontainian blacksmith Estelle. Both weapons also have the same 565 base ATK and 27.6% ATK substat at max level as well as the same passive effect.

When a character wielding these weapons use a skill, their ATK will be increased by 12% for 15 seconds and a Bond of Life worth 25% of their Max HP will be granted. This effect can be triggered once every 10 seconds. When the Bond of Life is cleared, a maximum of 150 ATK will be gained based on 2.4% of the total amount of the Life Bond cleared, lasting for 15 seconds.

So if you have characters that could use a lot of ATK buffs and a strong healer to help them clear the Bond of Life, then you can use the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy artifact set on them with any of the three Bond of Life-granting weapons. That, or just use Arlecchino.

Finally, you can also use two pieces of the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy set if you need the 18% ATK bonus in a mixed artifact set.

  • 2-piece bonus: +18% ATK

  • 4-piece bonus: After leaving combat for 3 seconds, DMG dealt increased by 50%. In combat, if no Burning opponents are nearby for more than 6 seconds, this DMG Bonus will decrease by 10% per second until it reaches 0%. When a Burning opponent exists, it will increase by 10% instead until it reaches 50%. This effect still triggers if the equipping character is off-field.


The Unfinished Reverie set is the game's first artifact set designed to specifically work with the Burning elemental reaction, which is triggered when using a Pyro attack on an enemy afflicted by Dendro and vice versa. Burning continuously deals Pyro DMG to a unit affected by it based on the triggering character's level and Elemental Mastery.

With that, you can equip the Unfinished Reverie set on the Pyro character you want to trigger the Burning reaction with. Since the set's 4-piece bonus is triggered after leaving combat for 3 seconds, you'd want that character to be able to deal Pyro DMG from off-field, so the likes of Xiangling and Thoma will be perfect in this regard.

You can then pair your Pyro character with the Unfinished Reverie set with Dendro characters specialising in buffing elemental reactions like Nahida, Baizhu, or the Dendro Traveler to maximise your party's Burning DMG output.

Genshin Impact version 4.6 was released on 24 April and features the debut of Arlecchino alongside reruns for Lyney, Wanderer, and Baizhu. It also features a new weekly and world boss, two new areas in Fontaine, and tons of other new content.


For more information on what's new in version 4.6, check here.

After version 4.6 comes version 4.7, which will feature three new characters in Clorinde, Sigewinne, and Sethos. Genshin Impact version 4.7 is expected to be released in June.

Yan Ku is a full-time dog parent, part-time (gacha) gamer, and part-time writer.

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