What to know about new pill that claims to boost memory by 10%

A new plant-based pill could be the key to boosting memory function in old age. (Getty Images)
A new plant-based pill could be the key to boosting memory function in old age. (Getty Images)

A new pill that claims it can improve memory function by 10% is set to hit shelves in the UK next month.

GBL-Memory, created by Scotland-based Green Bioactives, includes two plant extracts which, when combined and taken for one month, can ‘significantly improve’ the memory of older people, a study found.

It contains Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and L Theanine. The study found that, when the supplement was taken for one month, it resulted in ‘significant’ memory advances of up to 10%.

"This paper showing improvement in animal and human memory is very encouraging and potentially offers people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) some hope of improving their memory," Dr Richard Stratton, a Welsh GP and assistant medical director of the Powys Health Board, said.

"The interesting thing about this study is that because it's a botanical formulation, safety issues are very unlikely and it offers people with memory issues something they can do to help the condition."

GBL-Memory has already been launched in Germany under the name Memocentrix, and will be available in the UK from June through Known Nutrition.

German man Rudi Neidhardt, who took GBL-Memory as part of an early trial, said: "I've noticed remarkable improvements in my daily life. I can now remember where I leave my wallet and keys, and I even recall names from my past with ease. Those changes are only the tip of the iceberg and it feels like my brain is working better than 10 years ago in all areas of unlocking stored memory. The clarity and confidence this brings is truly life changing."

memory function
GBL-Memory could increase memory function by 10%. (Getty Images)

The study was spearheaded by Green Bioactives’ late chief scientific officer, so we spoke to Dr Joseph Ambani, a doctor and university lecturer, to get the low-down on what you need to know about this new medicine.

"Memory function is a fundamental cognitive process involving the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information," Dr Ambani explains. "It plays a critical role in our daily lives, affecting learning, decision-making, and personal relationships."

He adds that a well-functioning memory allows for seamless task execution, accumulation of knowledge, and the development of skills over time.

"Impaired memory can lead to significant challenges, including difficulty in learning new information, forgetfulness in everyday activities, and a general decline in cognitive efficiency," he adds. "This underscores the importance of maintaining and enhancing memory function for overall well-being and productivity."

Dr Ambani says the claims from this new medicine require further critical evaluation.

"As a medical professional, I advise considering the robustness of the research supporting such claims," he explains. "It's essential to scrutinise the methodology, sample size, and statistical significance of any studies referenced. Without rigorous clinical trials and transparent data, the purported 10% improvement in memory function remains speculative.

"Consumers should approach these claims with caution and seek additional evidence from reputable scientific sources."

Yahoo UK has contacted Green Bioactives for comment.

Besides supplementation, Dr Ambani says there are several dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to enhance your memory function.

"Consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish such as salmon), antioxidants (present in berries, dark chocolate, and nuts), and vitamins (like folate and vitamin E) is beneficial for brain health," Dr Ambani says. "The Mediterranean diet, which emphasises fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, has been associated with improved cognitive function."

woman aerobic exercise
Doing aerobic exercise is a natural way to boost memory function. (Getty Images)

"Regular physical activity, particularly aerobic exercise, increases blood flow to the brain and promotes neurogenesis. Studies have shown that exercise can enhance memory and protect against cognitive decline."

"Quality sleep is crucial for memory consolidation. During sleep, the brain processes and stores information acquired during the day. Aim for seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep to support cognitive health."

"Engaging in mentally challenging activities, such as learning a new language, playing musical instruments, or solving puzzles, can stimulate neuroplasticity and enhance memory function," Dr Ambani says.

"Chronic stress negatively impacts memory by increasing cortisol levels, which can damage the hippocampus, the brain region involved in memory formation. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help manage stress and support cognitive health."

"Maintaining strong social connections and engaging in meaningful social activities can protect against memory decline and promote cognitive resilience."

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