Gazettement of KL Structure Plan 2040 delayed until end of May, says PM Anwar

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

SHAH ALAM, April 8 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has today called for a delay on the gazettement of the draft Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040 (KLSP2040).

He said although the draft plan was approved at the officers’ level, it needed to be reviewed by lawmakers and experts in the field.

“That’s why I have given them time until the end of May,” Anwar told reporters after officiating the Kita Untuk Kita programme by Think City here.

“As I have said earlier, government development projects must focus on economic growth, protecting the green lung and job opportunities for the locals such as beautifying and improving the stalls.”

He added that improvements must also be made to the city to ensure the rakyat’s comfort of living in the city including solving housing issues.

“Projects, if it’s done on private land, we won’t stop. But that is why I have delayed it, by right it was supposed to be approved this month, but I have delayed until the end of May to include amendment input as the amendments have not to be circulated [at all levels].

“What has been circulated is only the current plan and suggestions for amendments,” he said.

On April 5, two groups submitted a memorandum to the prime minister urging him not to prematurely gazette the KLSP 2040.

Save Kuala Lumpur (SKL) and Kuala Lumpur Residents Associations Plus (KLRA+) requested Anwar postpone the approval of the latest KLSP 2040 draft so that it can be published for public scrutiny.

They had claimed the draft is not ready for gazettement because DBKL has yet to respond to their input and objections.