FTKLAA: ‘Jom Jalan with NPC’ a good platform for technical officials to enhance judging skills

FTKLAA: ‘Jom Jalan with NPC’ a good platform for technical officials to enhance judging skills
"FTKLAA: ‘Jom Jalan with NPC’ a good platform for technical officials to enhance judging skills"

The National Press Club of Malaysia’s (NPC) ‘Jom Jalan with NPC 2024’ is not just an avenue for budding race walkers to test their skills. It is also a good platform for technical officials to practice what they have been learning on paper.

The inaugural event takes place on June 2 at Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur.

“There aren’t many race walking events, so the technical officials do not have that many opportunities to enhance their skills,” said Federal Territory Kuala Lumpur Athletics Association secretary, S. Murugesu.

“There are some state, and national-level meets, but that’s just a handful. As for private initiatives, we’ve not had a race walking event for a very long time, especially in Kuala Lumpur.

“My team and I are really looking forward to this event,” he added.

‘Jom Jalan with NPC’ is divided into two main categories: the 10km competitive walk, and a 5km fun walk.

The 10km competitive walk has four categories: Men’s, Women’s, Boys’, and Girls. The fun walk, meanwhile, is open to all, aged seven and above.

Those taking part in the event include Olympians, such as former national sprinter and ex-deputy chief of the Royal Malaysian Air Force, Datuk Shahrudin Ali, ex-hurdler and Malaysia Olympians Association president Noraseela Khalid, and former national race walker Shahrulhaizy Abdul Rahman.

Sponsors of the event include Mecure Kuala Lumpur Shaw Parade, Iskandar Investment Berhad, Nestle-Milo, Nadi Tenang yoga studio, and F&N.

Murugesu added that his association was looking at ‘Jom Jalan with NPC 2024’ as a development programme.

“We need more race events, and no one has been keen to organise one in recent times. So, it was wonderful to see the National Press Club of Malaysia taking up this bold challenge of organising a walk,” Murugesu added.

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