Fortifications were often built in indefensible locations, MP says

Russia’s May Khakriv offensive achieved moderate success because some battlefield fortifications were built in locations where defense was unfeasible, Roman Kostenko MP, Secretary of Ukraine’s parliamentary Defense Committee, told NV Radio on June 10.

“There are many questions regarding the construction of these fortifications,” said Kostenko, who also sits on a temporary parliamentary committee that investigates military procurement and fortification construction.

“Often, they were built in places where mounting a defense is unrealistic. The SBU [Ukraine’s security service] is now involved. They are investigating why and for what purpose these decisions were made.”

He provided an example of fortifications built on a hillside, "where visibility is completely obstructed."

Read also: Anti-corruption group reveals fake companies in Kharkiv fortification contracts

“Currently, this issue is being addressed by the State Bureau of Investigation [SBI] and the SBU,” Kostenko added.

“The military, regional administrations, and the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine’s parliament] now also oversee this matter.”

On May 22, the parliament established a temporary investigative committee on fortification construction and drone procurement, in the wake of Russian troops crossing the border in Kharkiv Oblast and capturing several villages.

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