Former FBI agent arrested for Jan 6 involvement, accused of calling police Nazis and encouraging mob

Former FBI agent Jared L Wise was arrested on Monday (1 May) and charged with four misdemeanors related to his alleged attendance and participation in the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

Federal prosecutors say Mr Wise, a former FBI special agent and bureau supervisor, illegally entered the Capitol building and called police officers “Nazis” while encouraging the mob to “kill ‘em” on 6 January 2021.

According to an affidavit filed in Washington DC District Court, Mr Wise, 51, can be seen on Capitol CCTV footage entering the building, walking around then exiting the building through a window.

The former FBI agent can also be seen and heard on Metropolitan Police Department body-worn cameras, yelling at police officers, “You’re disgusting. You are the Nazi. You are the Gestapo.”

Later, Mr Wise is seen encouraging rioters after they knocked police over, according to law enforcement. Mr wise allegedly yelled, “Yeah, f*** them! Yeah, kill ’em!”

Authorities arrested Mr Wise in Oregon on Monday.

According to the affidavit, the FBI was notified of Mr Wise’s involvement after an anonymous individual notified the agency that Mr Wise was in the building on January 6. They also provided his phone number, address and date of birth.

In CCTV footage, federal prosecutors highlighted Mr Wise allegedly entering the Capitol through the Senate Wing Door, clapping his hands and raising “his arms in triumph”, walking past the Crypt and Memorial Door then ultimately exiting through a window adjacent to the Senate Wing Door.

In body-worn camera footage, Mr Wise allegedly told police, “You guys are disgusting. I’m former – I’m former law enforcement. You’re disgusting. You are the Nazi. You are the Gestapo. You can’t see it… Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!”

Mr Wise worked with the FBI from 2004 through 2017 as a Special Agent and Supervisory Special Agent.

The former agent allegedly left the bureau after his supervisors became unhappy with his work, according to a report from The New York Times.

Mr Wise is facing four misdemeanor counts: entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly conduct in a restricted building, disorderly conduct with an intent to impede an orderly session of Congress and unlawfully parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.