Fontaines DC guitarist pulls out of international tour dates due to imminent arrival of first child

Fontaines DC guitarist Carlos O’Connell will not perform at the band’s forthcoming shows due to the imminent arrival of his first child.

The bass player is currently expecting a baby with French model and musician Joséphine de La Baume. Because of this, he dropped out of the band’s dates in Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

The Irish band announced the news in an Instagram message and said that guitarist Cathal Mac Gabhann from The Altered Hours would replace O’Connell for the shows.

“It’s Carlos taking over for a brief second to check in with ye all to share a bit of news regarding the imminent Australian, NZ and Japanese dates,” the guitarist wrote.

“I will not be attending these with Fontaines due to the little less imminent, yet a little more unpredictable, birth of my first child.”

“I am truly in awe of the idea of a new life, this little one has become the reason why I do anything since I found out about her,” continued the musician.

“In saying it all, I am more gutted than I expected to be at the prospect of missing these shows and I cannot wait for the day I get to go to that end of the world with my boys.”

The guitarist then joked that he would be replaced by a “modified vacuum” which has “settings just right for most of the songs”.

“Jk,” he wrote, adding: “Cathal from The Altered Hours has put in all the work I stretched out over a period of five years, into one stressful Christmas and he’s come out sounding better than any hoover could have done.

“I have full faith in this man’s talent, as a player and passion for music. Thanks Cathal.”

The band are due to perform at venues in New Zealand, Australia and Japan throughout February, with dates starting on Friday 27 January.