Focus on finding my missing daughter, not stand-up performer Jocelyn Chia, Indira Gandhi urges IGP

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Hindu mother M. Indira Gandhi has urged the Malaysian police to focus on finding her missing daughter instead of seeking Interpol’s help to track down comedian Jocelyn Chia, who recently grabbed headlines for making jokes about flight MH370.

The Malaysian Insight reported that Indira criticised Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani for seeking Interpol’s help to locate US-based Chia for insulting Malaysians in her stand-up routine at a comedy club in New York.

She said that more effort should be put towards locating her daughter Prasana Diksa. Prasana is believed to have been taken away by Indira' ex husband Muhmmad Riduan Abdullah, some 13 years ago.

“I feel utterly disappointed and frustrated with the IGP’s statement.

“I have been fighting this case for 14 years now, and the police know that this is a high-profile case, but they continue to ignore it,” Indira told The Malaysian Insight.

She said that she has gone through all the legal avenues to get the police to act on her case but they were still not pursuing it.

“If the Chia issue is so big for him until he is seeking Interpol’s help, what about my daughter who has been missing for 14 years? We don’t even know if she is alive or not,” she was quoted saying.

“It has been a mockery. Acryl Sani is the sixth IGP now on my case and several governments have changed but none could locate my daughter.

“The current IGP shows so much interest in a comedy sketch, but he has failed in my case so far,” she said.

Acryl had on Tuesday said that police would file an application with Interpol to track down Chia for insulting Malaysia using a US platform.

A video of Chia, a former Singaporean lawyer, poking fun at Malaysia and the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that went missing on March 8, 2014 had gone viral, angering many Malaysians for her callousness and prompted the Singaporean government to distance themselves from her remarks.

Indira has been fighting a unilateral conversion case involving her ex-husband who has converted to Islam, and converted their three children without her knowledge — including Prasana — when she was just 11 months old.

In 2018, the Federal Court in a landmark ruling, quashed the unilateral conversion of the children and gave custody of Prasana to her mother Indira..

However, police have not been able to find Prasana or her father, even though there is an arrest warrant.