Finnish daily hiding Russia war info in video game

STORY: Finland’s largest daily is hiding information

about Russia’s war in Ukraine inside a video game

Helsingin Sanomat is putting articles in Counter-Strike,

which is popular among young Russian men

Locator: Helsinki, Finland

(Antero Mukka, Editor-in-chief)

"We found some partners and we created our own map and city. It's a Slavic city called Voyna - it's 'the war' in Russian...// and you will find there a secret room and there we provide them our own articles, our own documentation, for example, about massacres in Bucha and Irpin and also the causalities of the Russian army there in Ukraine."

The paper embedded the articles in Counter-Strike

to mark World Press Freedom Day

Russia cracked down on independent journalism

after it initiated a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine

That also includes denying access

to media content produced abroad