Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis goes even bigger on Tifa's backstory than the original JRPG

 Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis
Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis is apparently expanding Tifa's story by incorporating a novel released in 2021.

In a new issue of Famitsu Weekly (as chronicled by the ever-reliable Ryokutya2089), writer and director Motomu Toriyama reveals Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis is adding a novel into its overarching story. This book is Two Pasts, which delves into the backstories of both Aerith and Tifa, before the main events of Final Fantasy 7.

Tifa's storyline in the novel focuses on how the character first met the Avalanche rebellion group, including Barrett, and became embroiled in its plotting against the evil Shinra corporation. It's this backstory that's apparently going to be included in some form in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis.

We say "some form," because Toriyama doesn't give away any specifics about the story's inclusion in the game. The Two Pasts novel is entirely text-based, so it could be that we've got reams of text to read through in Ever Crisis, or Square Enix has brought Tifa's backstory to life through animated scenes.

Elsewhere in the interview, Square Enix reveals new story chapters will be added to Ever Crisis, with a new chapter arriving each month. The storylines of Final Fantasy 7, Crisis Core, The First Soldier, and the mobile game's own original story focusing on a young Sephiroth, could all be up for post-launch rollout via downloads.

Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis launches tomorrow on September 7 for both iOS and Android devices. The game is available for pre-download right now, but it doesn't appear the servers are live yet.

This is all before Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second part of the expansive remake trilogy, rolls around next year in early 2024.